The first page is mostly filled with "if you're not playing games, just using the www, 8GB is enough". But they date from 2016. It is now September 2018.
8GB is now barely enough. Because Chrome has become a memory hog. I've now switched back to Firefox. I have two computers with just 4GB. NOT enough for web browsing. Load just two sites with either Chrome or Firefox, and the hard disk LED just stay lit. For those, I switched back to Palemoon. Seems to work better.
On my main computer, I have 16GB. If I open too many sites in Chrome, I can get this one to use up all the RAM and cause the hard disk LED to stay lit.
I suspect it is not just the browsers' fault. It's the way websites are constructed these days. You go to any website, and it tries to load 200 files before your page finish loading. The use of frameworks and packages have gone out of hand. One thing is built on top of another on top of another. Load any site, and you can see the different sites your browser has to go to to get this or that stuff to render the page properly. It didn't used to be like this. You go to a website, it loads a HTML file and maybe a couple of pictures. Maybe two reads and writes to the database. Even slightly later, with php and javascript, sites could load in less than half a second because all the files were from the same server. You don't have to wait for dns queries, to get 50 components from different sites around the world just to display a simple news article.