Accounting Video Game


Staff member
There is something similar to your idea, a game called life simulator? Basically you start off school, go to gym, work, eat food, rest, then you unlock uni, library, more study etc. When your stamina goes down, you lose the game.

You can make the game using js + html5, that would be the simplest thing to do, and ofc learning js beforehand.


New member
That sounds like a good start actually. "Life" in general with one developer will be difficult but that is giving me an idea. In accounting examples usually logistics/delivery systems are used, maybe i will make a "Logistics/Delivery Tycoon" as a prototype and see how well it works. Maybe "Space Logistics Tycoon"!?? Yeah?


Staff member
Yeah that sounds cool to be honest. So now you have your idea, now you need to plan it and make it :D


New member
After compiling my thoughts from last night and this thread, i whipped up this little tid-bit
So basically the game visually represts things and gives you little information and you have to track it in your own ledger system, if your ledger is not consistant with (virtual) reality then just like in real life errors accure and you business will topple. I'm sure in latter versions i can make it so it shows the ledger visually so you can fix your mistakes and not have to start over but for now you have to start over to fix your mistakes


New member

I recall there being games similar to what your idea is about(Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale) if you need a model to base on.


That's a pretty awesome idea @Xenland! I don't have any feedback, but keep us posted on how the game's turning out!


New member
Thank you @Yozora I'm writing the code now, i have some written down plans that outline the types of buildings that can be placed, I'm still working out the numbers for resources like oxygen,food,water, etc


New member
@CHT that game was very inspirational. As a game it self it was terrible only because i recorded over 1 hour of going through dialouge and then the game started and then another recorded 15 minutes of game dialouge. LOL. But like i said, VERY helpful(not sarcastic), It gave me a lot of idea for simple game play factors to extrapolate and emulate on to my game to make it more fun than accounting.


New member
Here is the "Moon view" i decided it would be more fun to tycoon a moon than earth and it would put pressure on the player to consume/use/recycle/purchase resources and make it intense especially in "Accountant" mode. There will be a "Fun" mode where the earth will send an unlimited amount of resources/funds to collect players interests whom want to have fun instead of be an accountant. But accountant mode will be emphsized in the game play regardless.

Moon View


New member
@Xenland It's got long dialogues cause of JRPG. Have you seen one JRPG without long dialogues? If so, do tell me which game so I can try that.


New member
No your right, I was just giving my insights on what I'll be "taking with me into my game" and JRPG dialouge wont be it! So boring for American gamers. Again thanks for your insights :D