Has anyone got familiar with Android Studio? I`ve been playing around it today as I would live to delve into Android app development.
It certainly takes some getting used too, It took roughly an hour just install it and configure it. I had some issues with HAMX for running the android device emulators.
Today I have mainly been playing around with Webview, i`m sure as the day`s pass I will learn more. So expect an Android app for Gigarank from me in the coming weeks possibly months.
I have no intention of learning swift and xcode for IOS.
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development, based on IntelliJ IDEA. On top of the capabilities you expect from IntelliJ, Android Studio
It certainly takes some getting used too, It took roughly an hour just install it and configure it. I had some issues with HAMX for running the android device emulators.
Today I have mainly been playing around with Webview, i`m sure as the day`s pass I will learn more. So expect an Android app for Gigarank from me in the coming weeks possibly months.
I have no intention of learning swift and xcode for IOS.