Anti-virus in Win10



I have only used 2 different antimalware programs. The first one I used was malwarebytes, and now I use ClamWin. It's not pretty, but it works. First I only had malwarebytes, but I discovered clam AV, which I wanted to try because it is open source. I couldn't get it to work, so I replaced it with clamwin, which is the same, but with a GUI. Later I uninstalled malwarebytes to free up space, and now I only use clamWin. I don't think it's the best, but the virus database is updated often, and as long as you know what you're doing, an antivirus isn't really necessary in my opinion.


New member
Bitdefender Internet Security is enough for a regular MS Windows 10 user. It is rated in top 3 antivirus in almost all the rankings. And its price is low enough compared to Symantec.