Any tips for using Safari Browser?


Staff member
My preferred browser for various reasons is Mozilla Firefox. Chrome is of course the best, but what counts against it for me is it belongs to Google.

Any way, I've tried Safari, and it seems to be horribly slow for me particularly at start-up. Are there any tips for speeding up Safari that I should be aware off? Like a way to turn off all of the scripts that load at start-up for "marketing" Apple products?
I looked into this a little and it appears Apple has stopped supporting the Windows version of Safari. I tested Safari on my Windows computer and you're right about the speed issues. I dug around and could find no way to reliably speed it up. The best techniques seem to involve making OS changes which might have unknown consequences for other software that you are running.

For site testing purposes, I can't imagine that there is much reason to see how things look/run on a Windows version of Safari because of what is probably a miniscule market share.

If you want to see how something looks on a Mac with Safari you could try something like browsershots to get some idea of the way things look, since Safari is still popular with Mac users.

Here's an article about discontinued Windows Safari

From a practical use point of view, it's probably not worth too many of life's valuable moments trying to "fix" Safari on Windows any more.


Staff member
Aha .... so Apple stopped supporting Windows Safari. Almost like putting the finger to Windows with those Apple advertisements as well. lol

Thanks for the link to browsershots. And the article to Windows Safari discontinued. :good:
Years ago Microsoft did the same thing to Apple with IE, even after Apple bundled IE with it's Mac OS. Can't those kids learn to play nice?


Staff member
helpremember said:
Years ago Microsoft did the same thing to Apple with IE, even after Apple bundled IE with it's Mac OS. Can't those kids learn to play nice?
For me they're both evil. Much TOO BIG for our own good. :p


New member
I Think this method can help you to speed up your safary browser :
Empty your cache. The accumulation of temporary Web files that make your browser load faster will eventually make it slower depending on how many files you've collected. Go to Safari > Empty Cache, and see if that speeds up the browser.
Restart. Just like your hard drive, your browser needs to be rebooted every once in a while. Go to Safari > Reset Safari, which will clean out everything your browser has accumulated, even cookies, for a fresh start. Keep in mind that you'll need to re-enter your usernames and passwords for your favorite sites, but an increase in speed might make the hassle worth it.
Remove add-ons. You may have installed an add-on that you don't even use anymore, and it could be sucking the life out of your browser. Uninstall any add-ons you don't need so Safari can work unencumbered. Just look for the related files in Library/Internet Plug-Ins, and remove the offending add-ons.
Non-Safari Solutions
Switch signals. Unfortunately, nothing's going to speed up Safari if you are on a wireless network with a slow signal or your service provider is having a bad day. Before you empty the cache, reset Safari or track down add-ons, make sure that the culprit behind your slow Web surfing isn't beyond your control. Contact your service provider if there are any problems, or try your computer on another network.
Try OpenDNS. This free service can help your sites load faster by routing your Internet surfing through its own servers, not through your ISP's servers. As a result, it might be able to bypass problems you're having with your ISP.
Whether the problem lies within Safari or beyond your browser, these tips can help your pages load faster, and you won't be twiddling your thumbs waiting to get at information.

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New member
In a normal user-point of view, browsing internet or websites is not so easy than the Google Chrome. Firefox is best for the developers, professionals, and geeks due to availability of lots of add-ons. But Safari browser gives you a smooth browsing experience. Safari users can control the browser with some shortcut keys and clicks.


New member
I agree FireFox after Chrome is the best browser. I like FireFox because it's easier to inspect an element if you're coding an application or website. Safari is tricky. Not only can you not inspect an element, it loads items a lot slower. I use Safari because TextWrangler suggests that you preview your code in Safari. However I found that FireFox renders a TextWrangler preview just fine. But I use both to be sure.


New member
I use Chrome as my primary browser even though it is a process hog (it spawns a new process for every tab you open). It is very easy to inspect and element (right click and choose 'Inspect Element"). Firefox, without Firebug, is very difficult and all those extra addons slow down the startup and browsing performance. FF also tends to crash frequently. With Apple's decision to remove Java support from Safari it makes sense to also stop supporting it on Windows - on OS X, Safari is a great browser but it has significant drawbacks for developers, not the least of which is having to support various OS versions. Opera is another outstanding browser that works in Windows, Linux, and OS X.


New member
I do use Mozilla for many reason, but since this about Safari I do like apple product but using it is very dangerous cause it still vulnerable even in latest Apple OS's, maybe last leaked Web-Kit vulnerability make my opinion clear