Best Way to understand CSS?


New member
I am not a Expert at code in anything... but im still trying to learn. First off i do know the difference between HTML and CSS.

What's the best way to learn this code? Also is it free?

I Do know what W3Schools is, but i never spent time there.


New member
When I first started coding html/css/php I used W3Schools as they have a vast amount of information and have a test facility to allow you to see what the code should do, and you can change the code to see the difference it makes. I would certainly recommend you spend some time there and just start trying stuff out. I had no previous experience when I started, I just wanted to set-up a web page of my own. Even now I still search them for references if something doesn't seem to be doing what I think it should.
Although the best (IMO) way to learn is to start doing something, start with the basics and after a while progress to whatever level you want to get to. I am definitely no expert but I have learned enough to put my own stuff together without too many issues.
Also you can easily download many free templates that can be used for learning, and depending on the license can be used on your own sites.
There are also many other sites available for learning to code, just put into google (or your preferred search engine) something like "tutorial html css" and you should get a lot of hits.
Oh and most of it is free to learn! :yahoo:


New member
Dai_trying said:
When I first started coding html/css/php I used W3Schools as they have a vast amount of information and have a test facility to allow you to see what the code should do, and you can change the code to see the difference it makes. I would certainly recommend you spend some time there and just start trying stuff out. I had no previous experience when I started, I just wanted to set-up a web page of my own. Even now I still search them for references if something doesn't seem to be doing what I think it should.
Although the best (IMO) way to learn is to start doing something, start with the basics and after a while progress to whatever level you want to get to. I am definitely no expert but I have learned enough to put my own stuff together without too many issues.
Also you can easily download many free templates that can be used for learning, and depending on the license can be used on your own sites.
There are also many other sites available for learning to code, just put into google (or your preferred search engine) something like "tutorial html css" and you should get a lot of hits.
Oh and most of it is free to learn! :yahoo:

That's Great! Thanks i wil check that out. :drinks:
Although this may not be the easiest thing to do, but the way I learnt it all was, I took some old CMS and updated the code. It had tables and I converted it to divs. I used W3S validator to find the errors and use its recommandation. I then spent many many hours reading and learning how to convert it. It was an interesting learning curve. I spent over 1 year to update the code.

Its just a suggestion.

Now I am going to take that same code and redo it to work on php 5.6 and above as it was written back in 2006 so its a bit out of date.


New member
There are very easy ways to get the CSS knowledge you need. I primarely use and plain old Google. There are also alternatives to codecademy but I think it's a really solid option. Oh, and it's FREE (mostly). You have to pay for the more advanced stuff. However, their free option is really solid.


New member
I saw your similar post about HTML and now noticed this. As I said before - good way to try to do some task manually. You can begin from creating smal pages from prepared templates. As you just begin studying and maybe still didn't choose good editor for themself I want to recommend you such good site as JSFiddle, where you can create and immediately test your code HTML + CSS (also possible JS).


New member
w3 schools or codeacademy. All i know about scripting is because of them. They helped me take the first step correctly.


New member
Just go to Codecademy and choose for CSS, you will learn all the in's and out's of Cascading Style Sheets.


W3Schools is really one of the best places that you may rely on the site is full of a vast amount of information with a test facility to let you tast and see what the code should do, and you can see the difference it makes when you change the code to . I certainly recommend you to visit this site when you ready to gain what you are looking for.


New member
Use codecademy.It's free and you have html,css,javascript and many other languages(not only css).You have lessons and thay have in the left part explication of the thing that you need to do and they show how to do it and then you do it.After you done all the free lessons you can buy pro and get all lessons but they are not essential.And if you need help you can also search on w3schools.


New member
Use codecademy.It's free and you have html,css,javascript and many other languages(not only css).You have lessons and thay have in the left part explication of the thing that you need to do and they show how to do it and then you do it.After you done all the free lessons you can buy pro and get all lessons but they are not essential.And if you need help you can also search on w3schools.


New member
W3school and codeacasemy it's so cool, but is only reference book.
It will not help to solve the problems that arise in the development of sites.
I was most helped by resources like stackoverflow.

Every time you start studying something, think of a task for yourself. Even if its solution seems unreal to you, try to solve it. Decide it or not, but you will have more knowledge.

TS, can you ask how your successes are?


New member
Code is free... HTML and CSS on every site you visit can be viewed element by element via built in html inspection tool. You'll be able to highlight the element on the page, i.e. button, image or whatever, then the inspection tool will show you the HTML code and the CSS that is styling the HTML element, make sense? Learn by doing... check this out....

Firefox Inspection tool

There are literally millions of pages dedicated to teaching HTML and CSS, but bite size chunks, try the SoloLearn App It will take you from beginner through different levels...

Good Luck


New member
c0nvct said:
Code is free... HTML and CSS on every site you visit can be viewed element by element via built in html inspection tool. You'll be able to highlight the element on the page, i.e. button, image or whatever, then the inspection tool will show you the HTML code and the CSS that is styling the HTML element, make sense? Learn by doing... check this out....

Firefox Inspection tool

There are literally millions of pages dedicated to teaching HTML and CSS, but bite size chunks, try the SoloLearn App It will take you from beginner through different levels...

Good Luck

Is CODE on an ios app same as on windows Programs? Just wondering im still confused what JScript, C#, etc. are what's the difference.


New member
brocartel said:
c0nvct said:
Code is free... HTML and CSS on every site you visit can be viewed element by element via built in html inspection tool. You'll be able to highlight the element on the page, i.e. button, image or whatever, then the inspection tool will show you the HTML code and the CSS that is styling the HTML element, make sense? Learn by doing... check this out....

Firefox Inspection tool

There are literally millions of pages dedicated to teaching HTML and CSS, but bite size chunks, try the SoloLearn App It will take you from beginner through different levels...

Good Luck

Is CODE on an ios app same as on windows Programs? Just wondering im still confused what JScript, C#, etc. are what's the difference.

ok, there are different types of code that run at different levels. the lowest level code talks directly to hardware, integrated Circuits (ICs) - Heard of machine code? 100010100011101? 1's and 0's the most basic unit which is binary, on or off. Thats what were dealing with. Well, coding like that is tedious so higher level codes exist. Above machine code is assembly language. Now were in the realm of complied languages such as C, C++, Java - These languages are what Operating Systems are written with, Android uses Java, software gets written i something like C and then has to be complied in to a binary file or a .exe in Windows? Programmers use a compiler, gcc is the most known complier.

Now there are other languages of the web or for other purposes, these are called interpreted languages. Examples are PHP, Javascript, Python even html and css are iterpreted by the browser. Some are interpreted on the server like php, then sent to the browser. A page of php, html whatever is read and executed line by line as if you were reading it, left to right, line by line. If the code needs input from the user it stops and waits for it, one the user supplies whats needed the interpreter continues.

There, a super quick crash course on types of code, you got all the info you need for Googling keywords like compiled languag te vs interpreted ;-) I wish you much happiness and joy in your endevours! Check out the SoloLearn App, its free, google play or apples version of the same and you'll achieve zen in no time - atb

P.S. An app on iOS has to be compiled, I don't know what language apple apps are written in, Google. Android apps are written in Java, also compiled.... So, they have being complied in to an executable form in common with Windows programs. jScript I believe is a lazy way of writing javascript which is a browser interpreted language of web site coding and not the same as Java the compiled language. Thats all Folks!