Fantastic infograph, helprember. I'm glad I noticed this topic.
As I stated in another topic somewhere around here, I'm a big Chrome fan. Actually, I'm an even bigger Google fan. I'm all for the smaller companies getting plenty of users. I think that really helps competition, and makes the market a much better place. However, I don't support any of the arguments against Google that involve privacy concerns. I know Google has done things in the past that invade privacy, but they have shown that they regret it, and I don't imagine that they'll do it again. After all, Google is a business, and even though they're huge, they still can lose a lot of money and users from invading privacy. They know that, so they'll try to keep an appropriate balance.
Also, it's helpful to remember that all the times in the past that Google has invaded privacy, it has been for the benefit of the user. I haven't ever heard of a privacy concern against Google, where Google did not intend it to benefit the user. Somehow, these privacy invasions are always supposed to improve the user's experience. In turn, the idea is that the user will use Google more often, and tell his friends about Google. It's a very simple business principle, and is basically the same idea used in competition: the better the service, the more people will use you, the more profit you'll make. In the past, Google has tried way too hard to improve their services, and has crossed the line of privacy. However, I'm confident they've learned from that mistake, and won't be doing it again.
Sorry if this is weird. I guess I'm a newb posting a big long rant.