Browser Wars Rage On


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Guess Safari was not worth mentioning. :p

My main browser is Mozilla Firefox. I realize Chrome is faster and probably better, however I'm suspicious of Google's invasiveness and getting too big and POWERFUL for its boots. It's great power for me is a threat to our free use of the Internet. I like to support Mozilla Firefox because it is free and open source.
Genesis said:
My main browser is Mozilla Firefox. I realize Chrome is faster and probably better, however I'm suspicious of Google's invasiveness and getting too big and POWERFUL for its boots. It's great power for me is a threat to our free use of the Internet. I like to support Mozilla Firefox because it is free and open source.

I agree with this 100%.


Staff member
Chrome is being advertised very aggressively, forced upon you almost. It's bundled with a heckler of a lot of freeware as default installation. You should custom install freeware just to me on the safe side.

I'm a Firefox user, although chrome is my secondary browser, I virtually never use Internet Explorer, except for testing web pages.

Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk


New member
try dragon from comodo, a chrome clone without big G monitoring. personally I likes Firefox better.


New member
Opera is much, much faster than chrome on older PCs. It is unbelievable how good it is. Try it, you won't regret it. If you care about privacy use Tor.


Staff member
Someone else in another Forum also suggested Opera. I'm going to try it out over the weekend. :good:


New member
I've used Firefox as my main browser for a long time, but recently have become very disillusioned with it for a number of reasons:

1. As of a couple of months ago, FF will no longer display the sign-in screen necessary to connect to any WiFi network that requires a login (hotel/airport networks, etc.) As I spend about 130 days a year traveling, that's a major pain in the butt. As a workaround, I have to connect to the network using IE to sign in, before resuming my browsing session with FF.

2. With the frequent updates to FF, I've had problems in the past where some of my plugins stop working after an update until a few more updates have been issued.

3. I just found a bug last night in FF when displaying one of my web pages. I have a table in which I highlight cells that contain invalid values by putting a red border around them using CSS. If I have two invalid cells with one, and only one, valid cell between them, then FF erroneously puts a red border around the valid cell, too. None of the other 6 browsers I've tested my web page with have that problem.

I've been using IE increasingly recently, and have noticed several improvements compared to the way it worked a couple of years ago. I'm seriously considering switching to IE as my main browser.


Staff member
I'm a Mozilla Firefox supporter, even though I know Google Chrome is better. I just like to support those who are on the opposite side of Big Brother. But you're right Belltown. Ever since all of those new versions have come in fast and furiously, I noticed shortcomings in Firefox. At one stage I had to discard all of my plug-ins as one was creating problems with browsing.

I'm still on Windows XP, but when it comes to an end in April, and I upgrade to new hardware at home, I'll hopefully be able to try IE again. I'm on an older version of IE at home at the moment, and it's a little slow. I've also heard good reports about Opera, and want to try that out as well.


New member
I like using chrome as it is fast and light. Firefox over the years has become a resource hog and just crashes to many times for me. but I still use firefox as a second browser.


New member
I was really into Firefox for a long time but it just got unnecessarily bloated and slow. I'm sure it's still great but I think Chrome has got it beat, especially with extensions.


New member
Fantastic infograph, helprember. I'm glad I noticed this topic. :)

As I stated in another topic somewhere around here, I'm a big Chrome fan. Actually, I'm an even bigger Google fan. I'm all for the smaller companies getting plenty of users. I think that really helps competition, and makes the market a much better place. However, I don't support any of the arguments against Google that involve privacy concerns. I know Google has done things in the past that invade privacy, but they have shown that they regret it, and I don't imagine that they'll do it again. After all, Google is a business, and even though they're huge, they still can lose a lot of money and users from invading privacy. They know that, so they'll try to keep an appropriate balance.

Also, it's helpful to remember that all the times in the past that Google has invaded privacy, it has been for the benefit of the user. I haven't ever heard of a privacy concern against Google, where Google did not intend it to benefit the user. Somehow, these privacy invasions are always supposed to improve the user's experience. In turn, the idea is that the user will use Google more often, and tell his friends about Google. It's a very simple business principle, and is basically the same idea used in competition: the better the service, the more people will use you, the more profit you'll make. In the past, Google has tried way too hard to improve their services, and has crossed the line of privacy. However, I'm confident they've learned from that mistake, and won't be doing it again.

Sorry if this is weird. I guess I'm a newb posting a big long rant. :p


New member
I always use Firefox because its "open source", highly customizable settings and they respet the privacy of the end users.


New member
I've always considered myself to be an Opera fanboy. I do occasionally use Chrome but I tend to open up a lot of tabs and Chrome doesn't handle 15-20 tabs without Shockwave/Flash crashing and the browser locking up.


Staff member
I tried Opera the other day and got irritated when it just automatically assumed the position of lead browser without asking me first. Damn cheek! At least Mozilla has the courtesy of asking me nicely first.

Opera got uninstalled immediately after. :p


New member
That really doesn't surprise me. It used to be Mozilla Firefox that was huge when Internet Explorer really started going downhill. I don't even use IE just because it has always presented me nothing but problems, so I went into the Add and Remove Components and took it out of my system. Or, at the very least, made it dormant.


Staff member
darkenedskies said:
That really doesn't surprise me. It used to be Mozilla Firefox that was huge when Internet Explorer really started going downhill. I don't even use IE just because it has always presented me nothing but problems, so I went into the Add and Remove Components and took it out of my system. Or, at the very least, made it dormant.
Am curious. Which browser are you using?


I want to like Chrome, since it seems to get most of the new plugins nowadays, but it won't let me customize things, so I use Firefox. At least when Firefox switched to a more Chrome-like interface, I could turn it back. With Chrome, I'm stuck with the layout they give me. I wish every piece of software could be as customizable as Firefox...
Chrome's fine for people who like things to just work, but for people who like to customize things, there's nothing as powerful as about:config on Chrome...*sigh*...


New member
I use WaterFox (Firefox for 64bit) and Chrome, except on older system or memory limited systems then I use Firefox or Opera, since Chrome seams to hang or experience a lot of plugin crashes.
I very rarely use Safari it just seems slow to me, except on a IPad since all browser on IPad/ IPhone are forced to use the same built-in engine.