Can I change domain and hostname on VPS?

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New member
When I try to get VPS I asked to enter domain and host. But I think I'll can change my domain in future. So, can I change domain for VPS in future?


Staff member
Yes, you will be able to change the domain of your VPS in the future if you get it.


New member
Well, I suppose I have to study a little bit more, but I just thought that a domain is a different thing.

VPS will allow us to control a Linux box with an public IP, and in our domain provider (GoDaddy, NameCheap, etc) we can link our domain name with our VPS.

How far I'm from the right way?


New member
In your VPS settings you have to point domain from where you will be redirected on your VPS (IP of your VPS) and if you'll try to do redirect from other domain it will not work if in VPS settings it pointed wrong. Did I answer your question?


Staff member
Reynerhl explanation is correct. You need to create name servers at your domain registrar that you will be able to point to the domain and then get them to point to your VPS IP. For that to be successful you also will need a DNS source such as Bind or Google. I use Bind with VestaCP Control Panel, that is a free control panel.

Plenty of information is available about this subject on the Internet, so am closing this topic to prevent spam.
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