Can't sleep with heartbeat in my ear


New member
Yesterday I couldn't sleep because I had my heartbeat constantly in my left ear. Sometimes this happens and it's really unnerving because there's no simple solution... I googled some solutions, and someone was saying to listen to music or some rain sounds and use headphones. I tried that and still heard my heartbeat. I tried to close my ear to see if that helped, still didn't do me any good.

I think this is normal because I commented it with my doctor and she didn't seem preocupied.
I ended up falling asleep after taking some calming medication. I would rather not start an habit out of this. I have never had any troubles falling asleep. I just need to tell my brain to sleep and a few minutes later I am asleep. :cool: I don't want to get addicted to this stuff since I don't need it. It's one of those meds that helps you sleep.

Any of you had this problem before? What did you do to make it stop?


Staff member
I have a problem with tinnitus which is continuous buzzing in my left ear. Which is something similar. The same remedy is called for to distract oneself from the "noise". It's with me all of the time but only when I think about it. When it was first discovered the ENT specialist prescribed loads of drugs, including cortisone. I took it for one day and felt so sick I immediately stopped using it. I then did some research on the Internet and it came up with the same suggestion as your doctors. Focus away from the tinnitus.I've had it since November and am not as aware of it any longer. Only when I think of it.


New member
This keeps happening! The only change is that I don't hear my heartbeat anymore, it's like I am underwater or like there's a construction site in my ear. so much noise! :(


New member
after some research I'd deff suggest you go to see your GP or an ear nose throat specialist
you can ask your GP to refer you to an audiological physician where he/she will perform an audiogram, it's a graph measuring your hearing because it could be due to hearing loss or some fluid trapped in the ear.
( i hope its the latter ) :undecided:


New member
I think it's the fluid part, or some water, since sometimes it seems I am underwater. Just to be sure, next time I go for a check up, I will mention this to my doctor and see what she has to say. It may also be a throat sore problem coming up. when I started hearing my heartbeat I was with a cold and that was one of the symptoms. Hope it's nothing serious though...


Think what you did earlier on the day and try to see if you can find a pattern. Maybe it happens when you eat a lot, eat too late, drink too little, doing workouts, ... well I don't know. I often feel as if my heartbeat is stronger if my stomach is not full.

I can sometimes hear my heartbeat when laying with my ear towards the pillow. I think my heartbeat makes my head (or part of it) move so that it makes a noise in the pillow that I can hear. If it bothers me I just change my position so it's not a big deal for me.

I don't think you should be worried about hearing your heartbeat. It's probably nothing dangerous. Being worried makes it hard to sleep. Have you given yourself a chance to get used it? It's much better if you can get used to it than to be addicted to sleeping drugs.


New member
Oh, I haven't taken any meds to sleep since that day. I drink some tea instead.

I will see what tricks the heartbeat into overdrive. Sometimes I don't even notice, but other times it's really scary because it beats so loud and I can't do anything about that.


New member
Looks like a similar case of tinnitus. The more you'll concentrate on that, more it will distract your sleep. Try to play games while sleeping, listen to light music before you feel sleepy. It will take some time but you will get used to it. There is no perfect cure to tinnitus. However, your is a case of heartbeat which may or may not be a tinnitus related issue but you should definitely consult an ENT.


New member
I was told that too silent room is not better. For example, small sound radio far from you bed, you try to keep listening is for your good sleep.