Can't test Website


Staff member
Submitted by PM:

toysareforboys said:
I uploaded our website to the public_html directory (I guess our old host used that?) but I can't figure out any way to actually test it with the IP address you gave me.

I've tried: and I just get a SORRY your website isn't set up

etc. etc.

How/where can I put a page to test it using only the IP and not our domain name?

-Jamie M.

Genesis said:
toysareforboys said:
Works good, already tried it out using the IP. cPanel looks pretty :)

How can you guys offer free hosing, especially with the relaxed disk space and bandwidth limits? Do you hope that if people like the service or need more features they'll go for the paid hosting??

-Jamie M.


Staff member
Have you changed your domain name servers to our name servers yet - as when I checked they are not our name servers - they are You need to go into your account with your domain registrar and change the DNS - Globat name servers to Gigarank name servers:

Then just to avoid DNS issues afterwards I suggest you get rid of the cookies in your browser as well as flush your DNS a few times. Then check up and your Website should be showing up OK.


New member
Bummer. I was hoping to give the site a workout/test before having to move over my actual name servers. So there's no way to test my site without using my domain name? :(

-Jamie M.


New member
iGdesigner said:
Unfortunately not, unless you still can access your old hosting.

My old hosting is still up/working fine. I wanted to test the site fully on gigarank before I take the plunge and change the nameservers, so I can make sure there is no down time due to website/server problems before I change the nameservers.

I just went ahead and tried to change my nameservers over for my domain on its registrar dotster but their page just gives me an error every time. Submitted a support ticket with them.

Nothing ever works the way I want it to :(

-Jamie M.


Staff member
OK here's my suggestion:

Plan A. I change your domain name here to our own Gigarank sub-domain like maybe You then check how everything works and if you're happy with the speed, you ask us to change the name back to your original domain. That is very easy to do.

Plan B. This is what I usually do. I register a dinky toy Website for sandbox purposes and register the toy Website with our name servers. Then add the toy domain as an add on domain to my hosting account at Gigarank . You can check how the Gigarank speed works with this sandbox domain and keep it for future experimental use. Whenever I want to do something to a really big Website that I care about, I always try it out on one of my add-on domains first.


New member
Genesis said:
OK here's my suggestion:

Plan A. I change your domain name here to our own Gigarank sub-domain like maybe You then check how everything works and if you're happy with the speed, you ask us to change the name back to your original domain. That is very easy to do.

Plan B. This is what I usually do. I register a dinky toy Website for sandbox purposes and register the toy Website with our name servers. Then add the toy domain as an add on domain to my hosting account at Gigarank . You can check how the Gigarank speed works with this sandbox domain and keep it for future experimental use. Whenever I want to do something to a really big Website that I care about, I always try it out on one of my add-on domains first.

Ohhh, I like plan A!! Can you set it up to so I can run all my testing? :)

No word yet from dotster on my nameserver ticket, yay :(

-Jamie M.


New member
Genesis said:
OK Jamie. I've changed it to:

LOL! Just as you did that, they just changed my name servers to you from the ticket I submitted, so I guess change it back :)

-Jamie M.


New member
Your welcome @Jamie. Please be carefull with access to the temporary site link. I recommend dont publish this link to other people. Only you, Admin and technical staff I guess should to know it. Because someone may stealing your copyright content without going to actually domain. Gud luck !