strokerace said:
The only difference between them all is the feel and look. Some are more user friendly then the others.
do you mean x desktop? no difference. thats only default desktop. if your distro have gnome desktop and you think kde more user friendly, you can install kde in to your distro.
the difference between some distro only the package, some distro use rpm , other use deb, other use tgz.
and a little difference in command line like yum and apt.
package from one distro also capable to install in other distro by manual unpack the package & lib that needed, but it can break your dependency.
x86 said:
SuperSU (free) only grant or denied an app for root access as far as my using experience goes, the suitable app i search is one can modify certain to access what on my phone (eg, camera/phone/gps coordinate) , and that's the main factor i rooted my android device
you can use AVG, they have app locker. you can lock some apps in your android. so if you open that apps or other app want access that apps will asked the password