Cheap hosting and how about Cheap VPS upgrade

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New member
Two questions


once I get the VPS server do I get to keep the hosting account?

Second Question

What if I need to upgrade the VPS , I did scurry the web page and found nothing of the sorts to say there are upgrade options for VPS


New member
In Answer to my first question

Shared Hosting Account
Forum members are allowed a free shared hosting account in addition to a free VPS. You need to make 10 QUALITY posts in order to apply for a shared hosting account and 25 QUALITY posts for a VPS.

Should you have a shared hosting account in addition to a VPS account, any breach of the VPS agreement will also be considered a breach of your shared hosting agreement and vice versa. Therefore disciplinary action of any of the two will affect both accounts simultaneously. By accepting Gigarank VPS Terms Of Service, you also affirm that you accept Free Web Hosting Terms & Conditions


New member
Fat_Jay said:
In Answer to my first question

Shared Hosting Account
Forum members are allowed a free shared hosting account in addition to a free VPS. You need to make 10 QUALITY posts in order to apply for a shared hosting account and 25 QUALITY posts for a VPS.

Should you have a shared hosting account in addition to a VPS account, any breach of the VPS agreement will also be considered a breach of your shared hosting agreement and vice versa. Therefore disciplinary action of any of the two will affect both accounts simultaneously. By accepting Gigarank VPS Terms Of Service, you also affirm that you accept Free Web Hosting Terms & Conditions

Ok, is this hosting for real? cause i have a hosting too. i buy it. but the qualify is not in my expectation. what do you think about this hosting, bro? is it ok?


Staff member
@topic you are not the first person to ask about it. St the moment we are not planning anything like that. We are new with vps service so we are still learning but we have a lot of things for the future to consider.


Staff member
Thread moved from Hosting Support to VPS help and support.

In the final analysis, for any upgrade, if you can convince our tech admin, un4saken, of a real need, and have demonstrated your participation in the forum as a quality participation worthy of additional space, then anything is possible. But if the hosting space that is given to you is not fully utilized, and you make a request for more space on top of that, then it won't be given to you.

Yes, you get to keep your shared hosting account in addition to your VPS. The two are regarded different. Except of course you have to make 20 maintenance posts per month to keep the VPS.

Since this topic has essentially been asked and answered, it is being closed in order to prevent spam.
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