josea said:
just checked your theme. looks neat and responsive. i like how list archives in a single pull down bar rather than listing all of them one by one.
also on the side bar instead of listing comments , i suggest listing the post names that has the recent comments with title : "recently commented " or something like that.
keep up the good work. :clapping:
Well, Mishar is my first WordPress Theme created completely on my own, except javascript files and it has a few minor imperfections, but I think it could be easily adjusted and fixed. These days I'm finishing my new theme and I expect it to be much better, especially with more clean codes and latest WP standards. Recent comments are WordPress core widget slightly redesigned with added author avatar... I'd like you to check my Plugins also, especially NS Tweet with extra slider option and NS Author, I'm really proud on those two widgets.
Genesis said:
Great Website misharnet. Like the name netscripter. The mishar theme looks very interesting. Have you submitted it to Wordpress yet?
It might sound strange,but I gave up of submitting my themes to I had some inconvenience with some of the reviewers, I even waited for couple of months, which I think it's too long, to be reviewed for the first time, and then they forced me to give up of Theme Options and use only customizer instead, from October customizer will be required and all themes with Theme Options with some other option framework will be removed from I strongly disagree with that. I think it's a step backward. I respect WordPress Community and I absolutely agree that WordPress must have strong rules and regulations about Themes so the quality could be kept on the highest level. But this is not rule or regulation this is restriction and it smells a bit on monopoly behavior. On the other hand the best Themes on the Internet, at least most of them, are not hosted with The situation with plugins are much different and it's still the best way to promote it.