Christmas 2013


Staff member
For those that celebrate Christmas (including me) do you have any extra special gifts heading your way?

I hope you all have a great festive period.



Staff member
Same to you Chris. Any plans for a gift to yourself? I'm thinking of buying a home computer after months and months of procrastinating.

Any way, Merry Xmas to every one else who is celebrating as well. And a wonderful festive season to every one else.


New member
Merry Xmas to every one is celebrating!

Right now the most valuable gifts are "Peace of mind" and "quality time" but probably I will check the stores for something to calm my inner child!


Staff member
I have earlier christmas present which is my PS4 and the main presents/gifts would be clothes and money.
DJB said:
For those that celebrate Christmas (including me) do you have any extra special gifts heading your way?

I hope you all have a great festive period.

I really enjoy this time of year and this time around we're actually having some weather here (Texas) that helps set the proper mood. I bought a camcorder - something I've wanted for years and am busy practicing video skills on my cats.
Mostly what I want most this time of year is just to socialize with people I like and care about.


Staff member
Thanks and Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to every one as well. Hope you had a good one. :drinks::drinks::drinks:


New member
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's everyone :) Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas.

I was expecting the stuff I got (mostly being clothes) with a few nice surprises. One of those surprises was a pink tablet with the latest version of Android on it and it came with a pink case to match lol I didn't get as much as I have gotten in the past, but the gifts were definitely a lot more expensive this year. Totally worth it!


New member
Merry Christmas! It feels rather special for me to be joining this forum at such a signature time of the year. I have to work during the holidays but it's not too bad as I don't get much calls during the holidays either. Life of a 24/7 work place...

Hope you have all eaten well and been staying warm (or cool in southern hemisphere). All the best with the new year to come!


New member
Merry Xmas every one and a wonderful New Year. Wishing everything of the best for Gigalicous. Thanks for being around. One of the best things that has happened during 2013!



New member
I don't celebrate Xmas myself, but for those who do, Merry Xmas. And for every one a Happy New year. Thanks for giving us Gigalicous, and wishing 2014 a great year for Gigalicous. :clapping:


New member
Merry Xmas every one. Maybe a little late, so will make it season's greetings. Hope you're having a good one. :drinks: