Currently working on Driving School Directory


Staff member
I`ve been working on a phpLD directory as part of work.

Must say it`s not the easiest of scripts to work with in terms of modification and styling, although i`m slowly getting to grips with it. I have a bit left todo before I can launch it live. Here`s the url:


New member
Overall everything looks good to me as well. However I feel that the road signs just don't look right. Maybe they need a border or they need a drop shadow or something depth of some sort. The first thing you see on this site is the top and it just seems too flat.


Staff member
Wouldn't borders distort the road signs, i.e. look as though they (erroneously) are part of the road signs? They already have a "borders" that are part of the signs?


Staff member
I`m still playing around with the theme. phpLD has a complicated templating system which i`m still currently getting the hang off. Meaning the images will probably be changed / updated a later date.