Do you agree with this?


Staff member
I think the problem is giving birth to children who cannot be looked after. That to me is the real crime against humanity and the level at which the solutions should come from. There is a lack of resources to supply an out of control population growth.


Well, when child is born it is suppose to live at least 60-70 years, like any other human being. How can you know that it cannot be looked after? People can have a millions of dollars and lose it in a few years ... on the other hand, someone who don't have enough money now, can have it in next 3,4,5 years ... you cannot predict someone's material status in future.

Also, especially in Africa and Asia, many are so modest, especially comparing to Western Countries, they really need so little to feed their kids ...

Also someone can be rich and still not taking care of his kids ...

My Point is that problems of the World are not material, but moral ...


Staff member
@misharnet There is genuine suffering of children who don't have food or shelter or clothing in Africa. Like if you see it, it will hurt you. In addition of the problems you get HIV because of immune systems that are low and all kinds of serious health issues because of lack of clean water and sanitation. Africa is beginning to become a continent with real drought issues. Moral issues are universal of course and lack of resources make that even greater - like lack of jobs usually is a great challenge for morality, where I live in South Africa they will kill you for a watch. One cannot understand this until one has lived their lives and at the base of lack of morality there is lack of food, shelter, support of family when they are flocking to the big cities to find menial work there. Yes, they can do with less, but they're surviving way below minus.


New member
our family sponsor a family in the Gambia but we don't do it through a government controlled "charity" we do it by sending a direct payment to the fathers bank account each month for rice, my dad had to take him into the bank while he was there because they refused to even allow him to have a bank account!
they can't even walk their kids on the beach because the police beat them.
my mom & dad visits once a year & takes loads of things for the village school, I just don't trust mainstream charities I never donate, not because I'm nasty, but anything generally the government have their hands in I don't trust at least doing bank transfers direct I know were only helping 1 family but at least we KNOW.


The question I wonder is why is there so much starvation in Africa and other places? People need a certain amount of food to stay alive. Women also need at least a certain amount of body fat, which comes from food, to be able to get pregnant. If there's a ton of starving people you would think that after a while some would die and the population size would eventually shrink until it's small enough to survive within the limits of the amount of food available. Instead, last I checked, the birth rate is slowing in Europe and the US, while increasing in Africa. I don't get it...


Staff member
Yozora said:
The question I wonder is why is there so much starvation in Africa and other places?
Environment is harsh to start off with. Shortage of water and food. But most of all war interrupts people's ability to create food. Also displaces people. And then of course lack of education.


Genesis said:
Yozora said:
The question I wonder is why is there so much starvation in Africa and other places?
Environment is harsh to start off with. Shortage of water and food. But most of all war interrupts people's ability to create food. Also displaces people. And then of course lack of education.

Ah, good points! I wish Africa didn't have so much war...I guess there's no hope of it ceasing for long at this point. :(


New member
The rich are a device that it both needed an unwanted within our society. Much like the poor. Moreover, when does one become rich?

I certainly know when one becomes poor. So I would very much like to know when you know that you have become rich?


Mitsuki said:
The rich are a device that it both needed an unwanted within our society. Much like the poor. Moreover, when does one become rich?

I certainly know when one becomes poor. So I would very much like to know when you know that you have become rich?
Simple!...... When you notice that you're paying less taxes than the average Joe.

The system is rigged towards the haves... I hope you're aware of that.


Not really because I feel like the rich should pay for food for the poor. If you had over 100 mil I think they should pay for it.