Do You Believe in Extraterrestrial Aliens?


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Through the years I've seen some things that makes me believe we are not at all alone in the universe. Also, does anyone remember the story of the six aliens that crashed in Area 51? My father, who served in WWII, was not part of the military crew who found the bodies but he told me how one of the top officials in that crew told him they had found them.

I find it very limited to think we are all there is in the universe. In the Milky Way alone there are billions of galaxies. There is even speculation that aliens are actually living among us on earth, and I support this idea as well.

Out in Mexico, about 400 miles west of El Paso, is an area called the Zone of Silence where many strange things have happened. A rancher living in the area told how he had been visited more than once by beings who looked similar to people, but some things like their eyes appeared a little different. He said on one of their visits he asked them where they were from, and according to him they said "from above".

There are a lot of things that go on in this world, that are strange things, but people won't talk about it because they are afraid of what others will think of them. You can talk about it here without fear of criticism from me because I know we are not alone.


Interesting topic idea, @"Jasmine333" ! I haven't seen any myself, but I always wondered what would happen if one day some formally made contact. If they had more advanced technology, it seems likely to me that a War of the Worlds scenario might play out, as historically that's usually what happens when a very technologically advanced society meets a less technologically advanced one, like what's happened to a great number of the world's indigenous peoples.

If they exist, I would hope that they'd be more peaceful than that though...


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" Are we alone ? "
Of course not.. how irational to be to think in this entire Universe are just we..


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There is a paradox called Fermi Paradoks. One day, Fermi was staring at the stars. Countless of stars up there in the entire universe. But a question came across his mind, In this giant universe where is everyone? Are we alone in this vast universe? Why untill today there is no contact from another beings?

That is Fermi Paradoks. To answer this paradoks, certain theories have come up. There is one theory that We humans are only a computer simulation.


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@riddict I'm wondering if something could play games with that computer lol. ( how could be an enormous sims3 game )


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Great questions I don't know if we're alone but I do have a few theories, if there is life beyond this planet they would be made of the same tissue's/materials as we are near enough mirroring us, as carbon life can only exist if conditions are perfect, like here on Earth and taking into account of time space expansion they wont be super advanced, they would evolve at around the same speed that we do and neither of our species would make it to the others planets to observe the other, we would most likely meet half way somewhere between.
Some think if dinosaurs didn't become extinct they would have evolved and dominated the planet and not us/humans, this isn't true we ARE the dominant species on Earth and we'd have dominated them anyway.

Understanding time as more than a man made construct is important when considering other beings because Einstein claimed time IS space and the Universe is not ever expanding as most people believe it to be, at some point the Universe will reverse itself and start to contract (not shrink)
may be more likely the answer to what some claim to see, Ghosts/aliens/UFO's can be found if we study alternate planes of reality?

riddict said:
There is one theory that We humans are only a computer simulation.

interesting idea! the philosopher robert anton wilson claimed one day we will be so technologically advanced we will be able to map out the human brain onto a silicone chip and upload our consciousness to an infinite web, thus becoming immortal :crazy:


New member
@starswpr It is just a hypothesis :LOL: not a theory actually.
@aya Yes, there is this another hypothesis that we all evolving to Post Human. When we reach this post human stage, They say that We will leave all the phisics behind. It is like the movie transcendense.
Another one say that We humans are like an ants beside the highway, They are so big that we are not aware of their presence.

Actually there are a lot of hypothesis out there trying to answer the fermi paradoks. And it is all very interesting.


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aya said:
may be more likely the answer to what some claim to see, Ghosts/aliens/UFO's can be found if we study alternate planes of reality?

You are right on, and I believe there are alternate planes of reality and we are in but one of them.

I saw a documentary once talking about the Zone of Silence in Mexico I mentioned in an earlier post, and they pointed out that this area, the Bermuda Triangle and the Great Pyramids are in a direct line with each other. This points to the fact that there was a definite architectural design put in place by an intelligence beyond this planet.

On Google search there are many stories of alien abductions, and I have no doubt this has happened. I have wondered at times when I go out shopping, could some others around me maybe be aliens? It's an interesting possibility.


Staff member
I like threads like this one. It gives us a lot of thinking.

Me and my friends were talking other day on my TeamSpeak server about random stuff and one of them was planets and the galaxy.

THere is a planet like earth far away from us. Like we will never get there, imagine if there are people alive like aliens or something similar. What kind of technology they could use? What could be different between us?

This is something to talk about. This is great thing.


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GigaGreg said:
I like threads like this one. It gives us a lot of thinking.

Me and my friends were talking other day on my TeamSpeak server about random stuff and one of them was planets and the galaxy.

THere is a planet like earth far away from us. Like we will never get there, imagine if there are people alive like aliens or something similar. What kind of technology they could use? What could be different between us?

This is something to talk about. This is great thing.

I used to hear that people knew more about the universe than what was known to live in the deepest ocean, but I think it interesting too to learn about the universe and keep believing that other life forms do exist outside our world. However, the ocean is of great interest to me too.

The first UFO I can remember seeing was when I was quite young, maybe 6 or 7, when my dad and brothers were returning from a fishing trip and bringing the boat back into the backyard. We lived in San Antonio, Texas at the time. It was well after dark, and someone said look and pointed up at the sky. There was an oval-shaped object shining with a red-orange color, not moving very fast but steadily. Of course we watched until it moved on and we no longer saw it. My dad went into the house and called Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, but they said nothing was on radar. We found out later other people saw the object as well. I believe it appeared a few more times and then we saw it no more.

Through the years on rare occasions since then I've seen unusual things, like once saw what looked like a star moving but then it shot straight up very fast out of sight. I've wondered how many times at night while we are in the house watching our tv there may have been UFOs go over and we never knew it.

If you know any pilots ask them what they see while in flight. Many have reported seeing strange things while flying.


New member

The Universe is a big Hosting Server
The Planet Earth is a VPS
The world ( what we see ) is just a big game
The humans are just users into database ( with stats like alive 1; str 32 ; dex 23 ; etc.. )
The animals are just AI from the game xD
Earthquake represents the crashs
Hurricane is just like a delete button

Funny if you think at that


This thread is really giving me some food for thought!

@"riddict" Very interesting posts about the computer simulation idea. I wonder who would be running the computer then....

@"Jasmine333" The idea of alternate planes of reality is pretty fascinating to me, especially reading about things like string theory saying that our world could be one bubble among many parallel universes, and that gravity could flow between universes. Stuff like that really is kind of awe-inspiring!

I actually read a novel about an alien possession recently, called "The Humans". It got me thinking about just how different alien culture & society could be..


Staff member
Yozora said:
This thread is really giving me some food for thought!

@"riddict" Very interesting posts about the computer simulation idea. I wonder who would be running the computer then....



New member
starswper said:

The Universe is a big Hosting Server
The Planet Earth is a VPS
The world ( what we see ) is just a big game
The humans are just users into database ( with stats like alive 1; str 32 ; dex 23 ; etc.. )
The animals are just AI from the game xD
Earthquake represents the crashs
Hurricane is just like a delete button

Funny if you think at that

Yes, it really funny and amazing at the same time :LOL: if it is true.

Yozora said:
This thread is really giving me some food for thought!

@"riddict" Very interesting posts about the computer simulation idea. I wonder who would be running the computer then....

@"Jasmine333" The idea of alternate planes of reality is pretty fascinating to me, especially reading about things like string theory saying that our world could be one bubble among many parallel universes, and that gravity could flow between universes. Stuff like that really is kind of awe-inspiring!

I actually read a novel about an alien possession recently, called "The Humans". It got me thinking about just how different alien culture & society could be..

Genesis said:



New member
I'm glad to get people thinking about the many possibilities of life other than ours in the universe, and enjoy reading the responses.

Here's another thought. Have you ever seen the movie called Starman with Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen? What an experience that would be!


New member
I wonder if we would even know if we encountered life in the universe, we could easily miss noticing it, since possibilities are endless. What if we've already missed it? Or what if it's there but in a different dimension.


New member
One thing that interest me also are people who experience lost time and can't account for the time. Obviously not everyone who lost time has been abducted by aliens, since they may have had a brain injury or illness instead. But some have been abducted and tell of their experience. One account you may find of interest is to do a Google search about the Allagash four. It is a well documented account of four men who tell of their abduction, which was once featured on Unsolved Mysteries.

Another case was about a military man who was waiting in a small town to be picked up and taken to his post. He called his superiors, and thought it was just a few minutes when he called them again to find out why he had not been picked up. Turns out someone had arrived after the first phone call but the man was not there. Then the man found out it had actually been hours after the first call that he made the second call. Unable to account for the lost time the man went under hypnosis, and found out he had been abducted by aliens. This all happened late at night, and the man told his superiors he had seen a strange looking craft in the sky after he had made the first phone call.


New member
With the vast size of the universe and the amount of the planets that have the correct conditions to harbor life i think that there is almost certainly extraterrestrial life in the universe. But i think the likelihood for life to start is extremely low and from this it is highly unlikely that it is close to earth at all and it may only be a single cell organism which would be extremely hard to detect.