Dreams, What Are They?


New member
Besides UFOs and aliens I have an interest in what dreams are. According to definition they are a collection of thoughts, imagery, and emotions that occur during certain phases of sleep. Even though we rest, the brain never does.

Animals dream too, as I've seen dogs bodies and faces moving while they were fast asleep. I had a hound dog nearly bump me out of bed one night while he was dreaming. The bed was bouncing while he made running movements and barking. He must have been chasing something in his sleep.

I wonder if we enter another dimension or realm of reality in dreams. I never have had recurring dreams, but have you? Have you ever had dreams where when you woke up you wish you could go back to them?

Tell of some dreams you really liked.


New member
It seems our brain keeps on the move while we sleep just like our hearts do, I think sleeps like meditation
we can dream while we're in an awakened state if we're relaxed enough like sitting on a train or starring out of a window which is why I think it's a deep meditation, our minds must be relaxed to dream but we stay conscious, self aware, Freud said we are everyone in our dreams that confuses me.
If thats true then are we everyone while we're not dreaming?
Dreams have to be more than thoughts because we can Feel them emotionally and can wake up happy or sad because of them so that tells us we experience them as reality while they're happening.
I haven't been able to remember a dream for years but experts say we all have at least 10 dreams every night...when I was a child I had a reoccurring dream i was running through a woodland being chased by a bear and it always caught me and tore me apart.
( I can't remember a happy dream )


Staff member
Guess the most interesting dream is when you're at a party during your dream and wake up semi-drugged and intoxicated. Feels quite weird.

Also a dream I remember from many years ago I was in one of those Napoleon type wars and charging right in the front, winning the war. The feeling when I woke up was amazing. I felt like an incredible winner!

I also wake up with music in my head some times. Well many times.


New member
we're all winners baby oh yeah!!! :yahoo:
sometimes very rarely the weirdest thing is when I fall to slip listening to a song on the radio then wake up and the SAME song is on!!! :shock:


New member
What interest me about dreaming is the one they called Lucid Dream. Lucid dream is a condition where you are dreaming but you aware that you are inside a dream. The best part is you can control this dream. It is like in the Leo Dicaprio's movie, Inception.
If I can do this thing, You all know what will happen to Sora Aoi and her friends inside my dream.


The feeling of falling in your dream and hitting the floor causing you too jump and wake up. It is very cool and scary at the same time because it is so real. Or when the dream feels so realistic and when you wake up you believe it actually happened so you start think that you have things to do that associated with the dream.

Spooky stuff isn't it.


Probably the oddest dreams I've had were lucid dreams. I haven't had them since I was little, but they were massively fun. Once I knew I was dreaming I could control everything in the dream, and I did things like turn nightmares into super awesome good dreams. :)


riddict said:
Read my post, it would be more awesome if I can access the lucid dream. :LOL:

It's been a very long while, but I think the main thing I did was get in the habit of pinching myself to check if I was dreaming or not, because I had heard that it doesn't hurt when you're dreaming. I checked often enough that I would do it in dreams, it wouldn't hurt, and I would know everything was just a dream, turning it into a lucid dream. I might have forgotten something, but I think that was the only thing I did.


New member
I had a dream a few weeks ago where I was in a garden with some other people and there were flowers nearby. Don't know what type they were, but I got up close to smell some and actually smelled the flowers in my dream as if I were really there. When I woke I thought about having had the sensation of the smell of those flowers and it made me feel good that morning.


New member
I wonder if this happens to other people. It is when you are not fully asleep and dreaming, yet sort of dozing, the image of a person comes in the mind and almost as if they were in person. It only lasts a few seconds and then the image is gone. I never know the person and they can either be male or female. This only happens to me infrequently, but sometimes.


Staff member
Happens to me too Jasmine. Especially when I'm travelling or driving a car for long distances. My head goes into super relaxed mode and all of a sudden thoughts or people pop up, and sometimes they disappear after. Like I would think, WOW that's a cool idea, then later in the day remember I had a cool idea, and completely forgot what it was. Sometimes though I'm lucky, as when the situation behind the idea pops up in relation to something else, that idea pops back.

A friend of mine says it happens to him when he's at the barber. He gets super relaxed and people pop up. For him during a session last week the person popped up in relation to doing a follow up Spanish course to the one he had already done. He'd been wanting to do one for a long time, but the University where he'd done it previously had not been forthcoming with information. So the cool part was when he went to the super market straight after. The Spanish tutor popped up at the Supermarket at check out point. The odds of bumping into someone in our city is like 500,000 to one. They then exchanged information for a follow up course.


New member
precognition? may be the odds of bumping into someone are greater than 500,000 to one if you're in the City it's not like 500,000 people are all in the City at the same time.
if it was straight after a haircut he saw the Spanish tutor theres a good chance he subconsciously saw him out the window of the barber's or earlier walking through town, like subliminal or something he might have seen an advert out the corner of his eye, I don't believe in precognition.


Staff member
aya said:
if it was straight after a haircut he saw the Spanish tutor theres a good chance he subconsciously saw him out the window of the barber's or earlier walking through town, like subliminal or something he might have seen an advert out the corner of his eye, I don't believe in precognition.
Excellent point. Like the precognition reminded him of what he wanted to happen.


I haven't seen a particular person when I'm half asleep, but it is kind of fun being in that state. Usually it's like things from dreams slowly seep into real life, and then I fall asleep.


Jasmine333 said:
Besides UFOs and aliens I have an interest in what dreams are. According to definition they are a collection of thoughts, imagery, and emotions that occur during certain phases of sleep. Even though we rest, the brain never does.

Animals dream too, as I've seen dogs bodies and faces moving while they were fast asleep. I had a hound dog nearly bump me out of bed one night while he was dreaming. The bed was bouncing while he made running movements and barking. He must have been chasing something in his sleep.

I wonder if we enter another dimension or realm of reality in dreams. I never have had recurring dreams, but have you? Have you ever had dreams where when you woke up you wish you could go back to them?

Tell of some dreams you really liked.
Sorry I don't remember them... and even if I do that's private stuff (off Google's bot realm.)

The real question to ask (as someone with a background in Neurosciences) is WHY do all Mammals have what's called a REM sleep---Rapid eye movement sleep (or REMS) ?

There are plenty of good theories about that worth checking for the interested folks.

The What question is pure speculation (at this point of our understanding.) Our scientific knowledge about Human cognition is still at its early beginnings and, before delving into the realm of dreams, one should start tackling the 'what is consciousness' and 'what makes us self-aware' etc... -kind of questions.

Reading few of the previous posts I can infer that, among us here, are people who can easily fall in that REM phase of sleep (which is quite remarkable.) I don't........ that's (among other things) why I can't remember my own dreams.


fouadChk said:
Jasmine333 said:
Besides UFOs and aliens I have an interest in what dreams are. According to definition they are a collection of thoughts, imagery, and emotions that occur during certain phases of sleep. Even though we rest, the brain never does.

Animals dream too, as I've seen dogs bodies and faces moving while they were fast asleep. I had a hound dog nearly bump me out of bed one night while he was dreaming. The bed was bouncing while he made running movements and barking. He must have been chasing something in his sleep.

I wonder if we enter another dimension or realm of reality in dreams. I never have had recurring dreams, but have you? Have you ever had dreams where when you woke up you wish you could go back to them?

Tell of some dreams you really liked.
Sorry I don't remember them... and even if I do that's private stuff (off Google's bot realm.)

The real question to ask (as someone with a background in Neurosciences) is WHY do all Mammals have what's called a REM sleep---Rapid eye movement sleep (or REMS) ?

There are plenty of good theories about that worth checking for the interested folks.

The What question is pure speculation (at this point of our understanding.) Our scientific knowledge about Human cognition is still at its early beginnings and, before delving into the realm of dreams, one should start tackling the 'what is consciousness' and 'what makes us self-aware' etc... -kind of questions.

Reading few of the previous posts I can infer that, among us here, are people who can easily fall in that REM phase of sleep (which is quite remarkable.) I don't........ that's (among other things) why I can't remember my own dreams.

I just noticed that this thread was posted in the 'Useless, nonsense, off topic section'!... I don't post in this kind of sections so apologies for the 'seriousness' of my previous post...


New member
fouadChk said:
I just noticed that this thread was posted in the 'Useless, nonsense, off topic section'!... I don't post in this kind of sections so apologies for the 'seriousness' of my previous post...

I know it's the "off-topic" section, but I don't see the topics and responses as useless or nonsense. You don't have to apologize for your post being serious, you were just speaking your mind and that's fine.

It's good to find out that this phenomenon of other people popping up in the mind happens to others as well, and is probably pretty common. Interesting what Genesis mentioned about the friend wanting to talk with the tutor and the tutor showed up. This goes along with the theory a guy named Jose Silva, founder of The Silva Method, taught in his self-relaxation course. If it is for the positive benefit of yourself and others, you can make things happen with your mind, believing that it will happen.