- Visit Provider
- https://azure.microsoft.com/free/
Below is a list of Cloud hosting providers that provide free dedicated instances for running applications.
- Google Cloud Platform
- App Engine - 28 frontend instance hours per day, 9 backend instance hours per day
- Cloud Firestore - 1GB storage, 50,000 reads, 20,000 writes, 20,000 deletes per day
- Compute Engine - 1 non-preemptible e2-micro, 30GB HDD, 5GB snapshot storage (restricted to certain regions), 1 GB network egress from North America to all region destinations (excluding China and Australia) per month
- Cloud Storage - 5GB, 1GB network egress
- Cloud Shell - Web-based Linux shell/basic IDE with 5GB of persistent storage. 60 hours limit per week
- Cloud Pub/Sub - 10GB of messages per month
- Cloud Functions - 2 million invocations per month (includes both background and HTTP invocations)
- Cloud Run - 2 million requests per month, 360,000 GB-seconds memory, 180,000 vCPU-seconds of compute time, 1 GB network egress from North America per month
- Google Kubernetes Engine - No cluster management fee for one zonal cluster. Each user node is charged at standard Compute Engine pricing
- BigQuery - 1 TB of querying per month, 10 GB of storage each month
- Cloud Build - 120 build-minutes per day
- Cloud Source Repositories - Up to 5 Users, 50 GB Storage, 50 GB Egress
- Google Colab - Free Jupyter Notebooks development environment.
- Full, detailed list - Free Trial and Free Tier | Google Cloud
- Amazon Web Services
- CloudFront - 1TB egress per month
- Cloudwatch - 10 custom metrics and 10 alarms
- CodeBuild - 100min of build time per month
- CodeCommit - 5 active users,50GB storage and 10000 request per month
- CodePipeline - 1 active pipeline per month
- DynamoDB - 25GB NoSQL DB
- EC2 - 750 hours per month of t2.micro or t3.micro(12mo)
- EBS - 30GB per month of General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic(12mo)
- Elastic Load Balancing - 750 hours per month(12mo)
- Glacier - 10GB long-term object storage
- Lambda - 1 million requests per month
- SNS - 1 million publishes per month
- SES - 62.000 messages per month
- SQS - 1 million messaging queue requests
- Full, detailed list - Free Cloud Computing Services - AWS Free Tier
- Microsoft Azure
- Virtual Machines - 1 B1S Linux VM, 1 B1S Windows VM (12mo)
- App Service - 10 web, mobile or API apps (60 CPU minutes / day)
- Functions - 1 million requests per month
- DevTest Labs - Enable fast, easy, and lean dev-test environments
- Active Directory - 500,000 objects
- Active Directory B2C - 50,000 monthly stored users
- Azure DevOps - 5 active users, unlimited private Git repos
- Azure Pipelines — 10 free parallel jobs with unlimited minutes for open source for Linux, macOS, and Windows
- Microsoft IoT Hub - 8,000 messages per day
- Load Balancer - 1 free public load balanced IP (VIP)
- Notification Hubs - 1 million push notifications
- Bandwidth - 15GB Inbound(12mo) & 5GB egress per month
- Cosmos DB - 5GB storage and 400 RUs of provisioned throughput
- Static Web Apps — Build, deploy and host static apps and serverless functions, with free SSL, Authentication/Authorization and custom domains
- Storage - 5GB LRS File or Blob storage (12mo)
- Cognitive Services - AI/ML APIs (Computer Vision, Translator, Face detection, Bots...) with free tier including limited transactions
- Cognitive Search - AI-based search and indexation service, free for 10,000 documents
- Azure Kubernetes Service - Managed Kubernetes service, free cluster management
- Event Grid - 100K ops/month
- Full, detailed list - Create Your Azure Free Account Today | Microsoft Azure
- Oracle Cloud
- Compute - 2 x64-based with 1 GB RAM each, 4 Arm-based Ampere A1 cores and 24 GB of memory usable as one VM or up to 4 VMs
- Block Volume - 2 volumes, 200 GB total (used for compute)
- Object Storage - 10 GB
- Load balancer - 1 instance with 10 Mbps
- Databases - 2 DBs, 20 GB each
- Monitoring - 500 million ingestion datapoints, 1 billion retrieval datapoints
- Bandwidth - 10 TB egress per month, speed limited to 50 Mbps on x64 based VM, 500 Mbps * core count on ARM based VM
- Public IP - 2 IPv4 for VMs, 1 IPv4 for load balancer
- Notifications - 1 million delivery options per month, 1000 emails sent per month
- Full, detailed list - https://www.oracle.com/cloud/free/
- IBM Cloud
- Cloud Functions - 5 million executions per month
- Object Storage - 25GB per month
- Cloudant database - 1 GB of data storage
- Db2 database - 100MB of data storage
- API Connect - 50,000 API calls per month
- Availability Monitoring - 3 million data points per month
- Log Analysis - 500MB of daily log
- Full, detailed list - IBM Cloud Free Tier