free hosting account with access to cPanel

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Staff member
Moved to Website Feedback and Support Forum.

As @GigaGreg already mentioned. You need to make 10 QUALITY posts in order to qualify for a hosting account. However, since you seem to be unable to find your way around here, suggest you study the above Guidelines for Quality Posts and Terms and Conditions of Hosting Account first before you start to make posts.

Please follow the rules of the Forum. For example you''ve just double posted threads, so be careful, as double posts are removed from the Forum. Quality posts mean posts that are more than one sentence long, that show genuine interest in the topic of discussion, and has discussion in the post. Copy paste is not allowed. The posts must show that you would be capable of managing your own cpanel hosting account or have a good aptitude for doing that. Also that you have read and understand the terms and conditions of hosting.

Please note low quality one-liner posts are considered the equivalent of spam and removed from the forum. They are also subtracted from the post count. Better to take your time with one post at a time, than to make 10 meaningless quickie posts that may be looked upon as spam and the hosting account banned as a result.
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