Free Link in Directory


New member
Hey Gigalicious,
If you're just starting to build your site or promote it, you'll need to get your site linked to.

I started a directory a few weeks back dedicated to quality websites (e.g., you write your own content, it's safe for work) - all submissions are manually reviewed to ensure the submissions are not SPAM and are actually worth visiting (no one-page landing pages, affiliate links, malware, etc.).

Please note: You must write a unique description of your website.

If you have a clean site and are looking to promote it, please submit it to my directory.

Thanks :D


Staff member
I see your using the directory press script, I use that on a few websites myself.

Best of luck with your website buddy. :)


New member
Yeah it's pretty good and I'm looking to do a few edits to it to get the screenshots working better.

Any tips on how I can improve submission rates?


New member
Hey everyone, sorry to double-post - but just want to ask for your feedback or input on what I can change or do to improve the site?

Your suggestions are greatly appreciated

Sander k

New member
So.. you can't buy a domain for $10 or so, but you can buy a Directory Press license of $79?
Right... Are you sure it isn't nulled?


New member
Nice. I think I will look at your site. I may wanna add a few links myself to your directory.
Best wishes with the project.

Sander k

New member
The text on the submission page is missing:


Where do I add what?