Free Server Setup Questions

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New member
Hi Forum,

the free VPS is a OpenVZ, right? Not sth like XEN / KVM it seems?

Why is there apache2, postfix and saslauthd as well as xinetd and bind named pre-installed by default on ubuntu 14?


Staff member
Yes, the VPS'es are OpenVZ.

These are to make a good server build for people who are unfamiliar with managing VPS, so they have right structure to work with and learn along.


Staff member
blunix said:
Hi Forum,

the free VPS is a OpenVZ, right? Not sth like XEN / KVM it seems?

Why is there apache2, postfix and saslauthd as well as xinetd and bind named pre-installed by default on ubuntu 14?
You'll have to ask our Technical Admin - un4saken - those questions. He'd be the best one to answer them as he's the Creator of tech stuff at Gigarank. There's lots of love and thinking that went into the system.

And yes, as far as I know the free VPS is OpenVZ.


New member
I see - we will not be able to use the server for our purposes then, we can only use KVM / XEN / ... Feel free to delete our account.

Anyhow - great service!! All the best for the future! :)


Staff member
blunix said:
I see - we will not be able to use the server for our purposes then, we can only use KVM / XEN / ... Feel free to delete our account.

Anyhow - great service!! All the best for the future! :)
Thanks Blunix! VPS account has been deleted.

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