From Holland with love!

Sander k

New member
Hello guys and girls,

My name is Sander (duh) and I am from the Netherlands, I am a 35 year old male.
I got a girlfriend and we are planning to live together pretty soon.
I am a folmer webhost, but sold my company in 2012.

Some of you might know me from Free Web Space.
Now a days I am more into SEO and WordPress template and plugin building.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Staff member
Welcome buddy, glad you could join us.

Nice to see people with very similar interest`s as me. Hope you can stick around and help out from time to time.


Sander welcome to the Gigalicous

I love wordpress , it is always my first choice to run websites :)

I hope you may post about your experience with wordpress soon


Staff member
That's a great layout for the blog. I'm still searching for a template, but hopefully it will be as simple and classy in design as the one for Gigalicous.

Sander k

New member
I am starting to dislike WordPress more and more.
My site got hacked for the 4th time in 2 months a couple of days ago... and yes WordFence was installed.


Staff member
Doesn't sound good at all Sander. Though is it only a Word Press thing, or interactive Websites in general? Just happens that there are so many Word Press sites around. The more interactive they are the more vulnerable they are for hacking.

Sander k

New member
Its just WordPress with me.
Last time and the time before that my Username/login was gone and someone made an admin account instead with as username "admin".


Staff member
That seems to be a hacker technique that is well documented every where. I guess their specialty is Word Press sites as well.


Staff member
Hellsing said:
That's a great layout for the blog. I'm still searching for a template, but hopefully it will be as simple and classy in design as the one for Gigalicous.

I`ll style one for you if you like? I`m becoming a dab hand at WP as you may have noticed on the HTML5 site.