FTP access problem

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New member
Hey guys, probably just me being a total spaz but I can't access FTP, just keep getting an error message saying "Failed to retrieve directory listing", does that mean I messed something up. I deleted a MyBB installations files through the CPanel as it just didn't have the functions I need, could I have screwed up somehow by doing that!?


Staff member
Well I am up for this question myself. @"DJB", @"Un4saken".
I was able only to upload my html website to free hosting last night, today nothing worsk anymore.


Staff member
How long ago have your tried? Could have been fixed as I've tried just now and went straight in. No hesitation. FileZilla is happy with my Gigarank cpanel FTP.


New member
Just tried again twice Genesis, still the same problem.

Hey Genesis, no idea if this makes any difference, under my Special FTP Accounts the user bublove has the strangest quota.

Usage / Quota
0 / 00MB

Probably means nothing but just in case, should that say my quota for that account is 00MB?


Staff member
I've never fiddled with the quota before. But once you've Ftp'd material it automatically gets filled up. You can set the quota to anything you like. Click around in your FTP section of cpanel, and if you want more info, you could Google it too.

Problem may be cache memory. You'll have to figure this one out dude, as technically FTP is working in cpanel.


New member
Just tried creating a new FTP account and this time I got

"Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server"

I've had it, been trying to figure out what the heck is going on all day now and I've got a hell of a headache from going around and around in circles.

I'm done mate, I'll post a thread requesting my account be closed.


New member

Calm down dude.. you are not the only one having these issues. I am also having issues connecting to the ftp server.

It may take some time before everything gets running properly. Give the admins time to check everything out. They are already having their hands full...
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