Future Tech: Your Predictions?


What do you think the technology of the future will look like? There are all sorts of infographics floating around with predictions, like this one:

What do you think? How will technology change the way we live & work in the coming century and beyond?


It's quite hard to predict what will happen in the future because it can seem impossible or unrealistic to us since we are not use to the new technology.

One of the plausible one is cars are replaced by self driving ones. this would take a long time to do since a lot of people enjoy driving and there are so many cars on the road at the moment it woulkd be very expensive to replace all the vehicles.

Robotics is becoming incresingly popular as people make working robots that react with the enviroment.

Overall technology will become more apart of our life and everything will be connected to a network to make it easier to do everyday tasks.


New member
One thing I find implausible is the unhackable quantum Internet. Even if there is quantum Internet, it will never be fully secure.
Think about it, even by current technology there's no sure way to stop hacks 100% of the time. What makes this article so sure such a unhackable stuff will exist?


Staff member
It's going to become payback time environmentally wise. Like the world has just so much space to absorb all of the waste and the massive production of billions of products with built in obsolescence. Just imagine how many phones are discarded every year, and just how much we as human beings are wasting and polluting the earth with. Some places in the world will be impossible to live in without oxygen masks - I'm referring to China, but what's happening in big cities like Beijing will spread through the world. The world major powers are already competing for the last pristine resources in the Arctic and Antarctic, it will probably get worse. Soon we'll probably have to find a different way to shower - water will become even more scarce in certain parts of the world than now. Looks as though for all of the huge leaps we've made in development, we've also gone backwards in different harmful ways. Not sure how long the world will last in this way. Something will have to give sooner or later.


New member
In my opinion the only things off date are:
-paper diagnostics, I am not aware of any reasearch on the matter, 2020 seems way too fast, I would expect something like that in 2200
-the 3d printing in 2037... it`s been 4 months I am looking for a 3d printer and I believe it will enter into our homes way earlier; say 2025... they just need to be sold in conventional places
-diamond batteries... can that even be made, and how expensive it will be; how would you recharge them?

And speaking about future, I added this https://getremarkable.com/ on my wishlist, high tech paper


New member
development prospects are very interesting ...
but the man in 2050 has consumed all the natural resources ....
... And in 2038 I'll be too old for the full immersive PC interface :)