Gigarank Needs Your Input - Web Development Tools & Resources


Staff member
Hello ladies and gentlemen, we need a little input from yourselves!

Gigalicous are compiling a list of downloads that makes building websites easier and more fun. The list will be broken up into 4 categories.

1, Top 10 Web Authoring Tools (programs you use to build your websites and publish them online).

2, Top 10 CMS Scripts (Wordpress, Joomla, etc etc).

3, Top 10 File Transfer Programs (FileZilla, CuteFTP etc etc).

4, Top 10 Frameworks ( Bootstrap, 960 Grid System, etc etc).

The compiled data will then go to a poll to determine the top 10 list for each category. Once we have collected all the required data we will publish our findings with information relating to each resource. Please take a little time to think about this one as you may learn some new handy resources for you own projects.

We do not expect everyone to know 10 or more tools, CMS scripts or resources but every little helps.

Post what tools you use and why, so the Gigalicous staff and community can understand why you use it and if it would be of any beneficial use to them.

If you have any questions please do ask, and happy learning :)

Kind Regards,

The Gigalicous Team.


New member
1, Top 10 Web Authoring Tools (programs you use to build your websites and publish them online).
Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Notepad++

2, Top 10 CMS Scripts (Wordpress, Joomla, etc etc).
Wordpress, PHPBB, VB, IPB 3.x

3, Top 10 File Transfer Programs (FileZilla, CuteFTP etc etc).
Filezilla, FlashFXP

4, Top 10 Frameworks ( Bootstrap, 960 Grid System, etc etc).
Bootstrap, don't use any really..


Staff member
Thank you for your input :)

We still need your help everyone compiling these stats, please take a couple of minutes to add your 2 cents.
1. Windows: HTML Kit 292: good plugins, built in preview feature, customizeable interface, Notepad++: flexibility, regular updates, choice of plugins
Mac: SEEdit: easy to set up basic pages and sites, built in CSS generation, tools for site organization, TextWrangler: clean, simple interface with good doc type recognition. great search feature

2. WordPress: easy, easy, easy way to get a half decent site up and running in a minimal amount of time, more plugins capable of more tasks than anyone could think possible (quality varies), Joomla: reasonably easy to set up, nice template selection, getting started info included with basic installation, b2evolution: basic site created has good features including a built in decent looking gallery page, good back end/admin layout, Drupal: higher learning curve than Joomla (for me, anyway) but creates stable sites that are built for growth.
Without knowing precisely how to define it, I would put WordPress and b2evolution in one category and Joomla and Drupal in another. Maybe it's size, complexity, which features are needed, maybe it's just "Blog" versus "CMS" but those lines might be getting more blurred as time (and feature sets) goes on - something along those lines.

3. Windows: FileZilla: easy to use, frequent updates, good display of information about files and processes
Mac: Cyberduck: easy to use, clean interface, good integration with any file editor(s) you want to use, good bookmark page if you have a number of servers to access regularly
Okay, I'll admit it they both have cool names - but there's a lesson in that: good product + good name can pay off. If the name will get people to try it and it works well, you're ahead of the game.

4. Not knowledgeable enough to give an informed opinion - yet!

I may add more information to this as things come to mind.


New member
Top 10 Web Tools
Notepad++, Dreamweaver, Aptana Studio 3 (is something new I got from school, very easy to use html/web builder, integrates with xammp)

Top 10 CMS Scripts
Drupal, Wordpress, PHPBB, CMS Made Simple

Top 10 File Transfer Programs
Filezilla, FlashFXP, WS_FTP, CUTE_FTP

Top 10 Frameworks


New member
Web Authoring Tools
1. Frontpage
2. Dreamweaver

CMS Scripts
1. Joomla
2. Wordpress
3. MODx

File Transfer Programs
1. FileZilla
2. CuteFTP
3. Core FTP


New member
Web Development Tools
1. Notepad ++
2. Dreamweaver
3. Netbeans

1. Joomla
2. Wordpress
3. Ghost Blog

FTP Programs
1. FileZilla
2. CuteFTP


New member
DJB said:
Hello ladies and gentlemen, we need a little input from yourselves!

Gigalicous are compiling a list of downloads that makes building websites easier and more fun. The list will be broken up into 4 categories.

1, Top 10 Web Authoring Tools (programs you use to build your websites and publish them online).

2, Top 10 CMS Scripts (Wordpress, Joomla, etc etc).

3, Top 10 File Transfer Programs (FileZilla, CuteFTP etc etc).

4, Top 10 Frameworks ( Bootstrap, 960 Grid System, etc etc).

The compiled data will then go to a poll to determine the top 10 list for each category. Once we have collected all the required data we will publish our findings with information relating to each resource. Please take a little time to think about this one as you may learn some new handy resources for you own projects.

We do not expect everyone to know 10 or more tools, CMS scripts or resources but every little helps.

Post what tools you use and why, so the Gigalicous staff and community can understand why you use it and if it would be of any beneficial use to them.

If you have any questions please do ask, and happy learning :)

Kind Regards,

The Gigalicous Team.

Great question!

I use...

for tools
1. BBEdit (love) I use this at school it's great, I just haven't bought the program yet. It's not expensive at all though. It completes you tags for you like it's reading you mind.
2. TextWrangler (love) It's free and I use this most of the time from home. Only available for Macs. doesn't autocomplete tags but I use it almost everyday and it's cool.
3. Notepad++ I like the color coding and bracket matching that this program does. I use it very rarely when I'm working on my PC. Also a free download.

1. Wordpress and that's all I have to say about that...

1. Bootstrap
2. JQuery Mobile
I've only worked with this two frameworks maybe this forum will branch my thinking out a bit.

Great question!

I use...

for tools
1. BBEdit (love) I use this at school it's great, I just haven't bought the program yet. It's not expensive at all though. It completes you tags for you like it's reading you mind.
2. TextWrangler (love) It's free and I use this most of the time from home. Only available for Macs. doesn't autocomplete tags but I use it almost everyday and it's cool.
3. Notepad++ I like the color coding and bracket matching that this program does. I use it very rarely when I'm working on my PC. Also a free download.

1. Wordpress and that's all I have to say about that...

1. Bootstrap
2. JQuery Mobile
I've only worked with this two frameworks maybe this forum will branch my thinking out a bit.


New member
Web development:

1. Notepad++ for php, Javascript, CSS, and some HTML
2. Kompozer for fine-tuning CSS and HTML
3. for image/graphic manipulation


1. Wordpress
2. PhpBB
3. Coppermine
4. Tiki Wiki

File Transfer:

1. Core FTP Lite


New member
1. I like Dreamweaver because of its efficient, visual GUI

2. Drupal and WordPress are both excellent CMS scripts (I've only used Joomla slightly and was not impressed). Drupal
supports most of the features I require to create blogs, applications, and themed websites. WordPress has everything too, but it is
somewhat unwieldy and complex.

3. FileZilla is the best FTP application I have used in a long time. Unobtrusive, intuitive, and up-to-date, it has a similarly efficient,
visual GUI.

4. Zend Studio is my favorite IDE for HTML, javascript, jQuery, and PHP development. It integrates an FTP client so files stay
synchronized. The debugging tools are primitive, but not invasive.


New member
I've always wanted to learn Dreamweaver. I'm using Notepad++ with Mozilla Firefox, as well as WordPress because they are for free. But hopefully one day I'll be able to use Dreamweaver and PhotoShop. I think both are essential for really great Website Development.


New member
Web Development Tools
1. FrontPage
2. Dreamweaver
3. Notepad ++

1. Joomla
2. Wordpress
3. Ghost Blog

FTP Programs
1. FileZilla
2. CuteFTP


New member
1. Netbeans, phpstorm, sublime text 2/3, notepad++
2. Wordpress, Joomla, phpbb, mybb
3. WinCP
4. Codeigniter (BTW i dont use it for my own core but i just check the code to learn from it :D)


New member
I don't have much to offer, but this is what I currently use.

1) One Note, Editor within the CMS/blog software. I tend to use One Note for actual writing of text and text editing. I also use it to store links when browsing, images, etc. It is really useful for content gathering and works across all of my devices.

2)Wordpress, Gimp (photo editing),

3)Filezilla. .

I have used Drupal and Joomla. I found that the learning curve at the time was just too steep. I have tried Serendipity, Geeklog, and Nucleus. They were ok, but don't seem to have the support that wordpress does. I tried MS Publisher which absolutely sucked. I am still learning, so I don't have a lot of experience with any other tools.


New member
[1, Top 10 Web Authoring Tools (programs you use to build your websites and publish them online).
Notepad++ & Notetab Lite are my go tos

2, Top 10 CMS Scripts (Wordpress, Joomla, etc etc).
wordpress is really all that I use these days if I'm not coding a site manually

3, Top 10 File Transfer Programs (FileZilla, CuteFTP etc etc).
I use filezilla but I used to us WS_FTP -

4, Top 10 Frameworks ( Bootstrap, 960 Grid System, etc etc).
no preference


Staff member
georamesh said:
1, Top 10 Web Authoring Tools
CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor
Bluefish Editor

This is copy paste article/text. GIMP is not a Web Authoring Tools. GIMP - Gnu Image Manipulation Pack - You can create grahpical elements and web elements.
1.Web Authoring Tools
Sublime Text3, NotePad++, gedit, dreamweaver CC

here 1st 3 are used by me frequently. even though dreamweaver has buit in many features, I feels that 1st three are more convenient for me. each and every code that i write is known to me no suspicious codes around there or nothing new there.. :)

2. CMS Scripts
Joomla and wordpress... I haven't used any other

3. File Transfer Programs
FileZilla easy to use.

4. Frameworks
Bootstrap has a good documentation and innovative tools based on bootstrap. Simply , it is easy to use .


New member
1, Top 10 Web Authoring Tools (programs you use to build your websites and publish them online).
DreamWeaver, Notepad++

2, Top 10 CMS Scripts (Wordpress, Joomla, etc etc).
WordPress, GHOST, Joomla, BuddyPress, Magento eCommerce

3, Top 10 File Transfer Programs (FileZilla, CuteFTP etc etc).
FileZilla (Mac)


New member
I currently use

Web Authoring Tools:
1. Evrsoft 1st Page (did not notice anyone else using)
2. Notepad++ (this is a good general purpose editor, handles C, D, FORTRAN, COBOL, etc., files)
3. On one of my machines have used Kevin Gunn's Web-O-Rama

Did not care much for free version of Coffee Cup.

FTP programs:
1. FileZilla (currently using)
2. WS_FTP (used previously; had some incompatibility issue with WS_FTP, so switched to FileZilla)
3. a command line FTP program that was included with MPEiX on HP3000