Giveaway software of the day


Staff member
I've posted this thread some time ago, but can't seem to track it down. At any rate, some good software to be had free if you check on a daily basis:

The one for today looks interesting. Except I'd have liked them to do something different with those Windows 7 folders.


New member
There have been some good ones, but I think the best use I've given this site is to find out about other types of software that may be useful, or get me looking for alternatives.
This is where I first found Advanced System Care, which is a free tool for computer maintenance. Funny thing is it has always been a free tool in the first place, but I found it there as if it hadn't been.


I've tried some of the giveaways from that site, and a few stayed in trial mode no matter what I did. Maybe it's just bad luck, but I'm a little frustrated with that site...