Hi everyone. I'm the webmaster of NDUWIB. I'm here to appy for free hosting!
N nduwib New member Aug 8, 2013 #1 Hi everyone. I'm the webmaster of NDUWIB. I'm here to appy for free hosting!
W whsecurity New member Aug 8, 2013 #2 Hello nduwib. Nice to have a web-master to our side! Welcome to gigalicous!
Genesis Administrator Staff member Aug 8, 2013 #3 Welcome to Gigalicous Nduwib. Am curious. What is Nduwib?
N nduwib New member Aug 8, 2013 #4 oh haha it's Notre Dame Undergraduate Women in Business http://nduwib.byethost3.com/ this is our website so far.. but as you can see from the subdomain address.. byethost is super slow and I'm looking for a faster and more reliable web host
oh haha it's Notre Dame Undergraduate Women in Business http://nduwib.byethost3.com/ this is our website so far.. but as you can see from the subdomain address.. byethost is super slow and I'm looking for a faster and more reliable web host