Hey everybody, have you been impressed with our free hosting service?
If you have and would like to help Gigarank to grow please consider posting our free hosting forum advertisement in your favourite forums, blogs and maybe even your own websites.
Below is our free hosting advertisement in BB Code
The standard version:
GigaRank offer completely free website hosting that is fast, reliable and packed with fantastic features to publish your websites online. The servers support most of the popular CMS and Forum scripts such as ; Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, SMF, myBB and 1000`s more
The Free cPanel Web Hosting Package!
1gb Web Space
25gb Bandwidth
cPanel Control Panel
Softaculous Script Installer
10 Mysql Databases
10 FTP Accounts
10 Addon/Parked Domains
Attracta SEO Tools
Free Support
25 POP3 Email Accounts
Free gi9.co Sub-Domain or use your own domain.
Installed on the servers; PHP 5.4, Mysql 5, PhpMyAdmin, Perl, Image Magik, Curl, Freetype, GD Support, eAccelerator, FastCGI, Magic Quotes, Ioncube Loaders plus much more.
To qualify for free website hosting, all we ask of you is that you make 10 post`s on our technology and general discussion forums.
Gigarank are a one time post 2 host provider, that do not require monthly posting on the forums to keep your web hosting account active. The community forums are growing fast and very active with over 3500 new members.
To get the free web hosting package please visit our website at www.gigarocket.net
Useful Links
Terms of Service: http://www.client.gigarocket.net/knowledgebase.php?action=displaycat&catid=14
Privacy Policy: http://www.gigarocket.net/privacy.php
Forums: http://www.gigarocket.net/forum
How to Apply: http://www.gigarocket.net/forum/Thread-How-to-apply-Request-Free-Hosting-Template
Registration: http://www.gigarocket.net/forum/member.php?action=register
If you have and would like to help Gigarank to grow please consider posting our free hosting forum advertisement in your favourite forums, blogs and maybe even your own websites.
Below is our free hosting advertisement in BB Code
GigaRank offer completely free website hosting that is fast, reliable and packed with fantastic features to publish your websites online. The servers support most of the popular CMS and Forum scripts such as ; Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, SMF, myBB and 1000`s more
[b]The Free cPanel Web Hosting Package![/b]
1gb Web Space
25gb Bandwidth
cPanel Control Panel
Softaculous Script Installer
10 Mysql Databases
10 FTP Accounts
10 Addon/Parked Domains
Attracta SEO Tools
Free Support
25 POP3 Email Accounts
Free gi9.co Sub-Domain or use your own domain.
Installed on the servers; PHP 5.4, Mysql 5, PhpMyAdmin, Perl, Image Magik, Curl, Freetype, GD Support, eAccelerator, FastCGI, Magic Quotes, Ioncube Loaders plus much more.
To qualify for free website hosting, all we ask of you is that you make 10 post`s on our technology and general discussion forums.
Gigarank are a one time post 2 host provider, that do not require monthly posting on the forums to keep your web hosting account active. The community forums are growing fast and very active with over 3500 new members.
To get the free web hosting package please visit our website at [url]www.gigarocket.net[/url]
[b]Useful Links[/b]
Terms of Service: [url]http://www.client.gigarocket.net/knowledgebase.php?action=displaycat&catid=14[/url]
Privacy Policy: [url]http://www.gigarocket.net/privacy.php[/url]
Forums: [url]http://www.gigarocket.net/forum[/url]
How to Apply: [url]http://www.gigarocket.net/forum/Thread-How-to-apply-Request-Free-Hosting-Template[/url]
[b]Registration:[/b] [url]http://www.gigarocket.net/forum/member.php?action=register[/url]
The standard version:
GigaRank offer completely free website hosting that is fast, reliable and packed with fantastic features to publish your websites online. The servers support most of the popular CMS and Forum scripts such as ; Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, SMF, myBB and 1000`s more
The Free cPanel Web Hosting Package!
1gb Web Space
25gb Bandwidth
cPanel Control Panel
Softaculous Script Installer
10 Mysql Databases
10 FTP Accounts
10 Addon/Parked Domains
Attracta SEO Tools
Free Support
25 POP3 Email Accounts
Free gi9.co Sub-Domain or use your own domain.
Installed on the servers; PHP 5.4, Mysql 5, PhpMyAdmin, Perl, Image Magik, Curl, Freetype, GD Support, eAccelerator, FastCGI, Magic Quotes, Ioncube Loaders plus much more.
To qualify for free website hosting, all we ask of you is that you make 10 post`s on our technology and general discussion forums.
Gigarank are a one time post 2 host provider, that do not require monthly posting on the forums to keep your web hosting account active. The community forums are growing fast and very active with over 3500 new members.
To get the free web hosting package please visit our website at www.gigarocket.net
Useful Links
Terms of Service: http://www.client.gigarocket.net/knowledgebase.php?action=displaycat&catid=14
Privacy Policy: http://www.gigarocket.net/privacy.php
Forums: http://www.gigarocket.net/forum
How to Apply: http://www.gigarocket.net/forum/Thread-How-to-apply-Request-Free-Hosting-Template
Registration: http://www.gigarocket.net/forum/member.php?action=register