Hey Guys, don't forget we have a GigaRocket Blog

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Staff member
It's an excellent Blog and I can vouch for excellent articles by GigaRocket's blog team @"misharnet" t and @"c0nvct". @"misharnet" is a specialist WordPress Programmer and Developer and as such is sharing his expert knowledge in some informative blog articles. Here are some brilliant tips about WordPress SEO for beginners - well worth reading by experienced users too:

For those who are VPS beginners @"c0nvct"'s has provided an excellent tutorial about how to set up a VPS with Ubuntu:


Is a VPS really needed for a web hosting of a basic static website?


New member
I just had a quick look at the categories and look forward to some bedtime reading, the ones on website monetize most interest me.


New member
I am a beginner. coming to gigarocket for the sake of learning. I found the blog is very helpful on my learning. Hoping to finally created my own project next.


Staff member
I've tried both links again, and they still work perfectly fine. I'm going to check the permalinks though and see whether the blog needs updating.


Staff member
I've updated the blog. And resaved the permalinks. Our permalink setting is for name of post.

@Yozora Can you check the links again and let me know how it went?


New member
If we can integrate the forum accounts with comments,it will be better.
Just like Gavatar,but more than that. :p


New member
Nothing there since 14/02/2019. That's sad. The whole Project don't seems to be alive, cause of the last (emotional) blogposting. It sounded like you were very successfiull a few years ago and now it's... over!? :undecided:
What happened in February that suddenly nothing was posted anymore?


Staff member
devel said:
Nothing there since 14/02/2019. That's sad. The whole Project don't seems to be alive, cause of the last (emotional) blogposting. It sounded like you were very successfiull a few years ago and now it's... over!? :undecided:
What happened in February that suddenly nothing was posted anymore?
People usually do it as a voluntary effort, and like everywhere else in life, it always end up with only one or two individuals. I guess those individuals got to be busy. I personally was involved with a major move from South Africa to Canada. And I'm still struggling to find my feet here.

I guess life goes on for most people. Members come and go, and who knows, it may even happen in a few days that I will think of a topic I can write about. For now however my effort has been limited to updating WordPress and cleaning up all of the spam. Also disabling comments, as I haven't seen a genuine comment in all of the time I've been making posts - like over the last few years. But thanks for your interest to comment here anyway. :smile:


Genesis said:
I've updated the blog. And resaved the permalinks. Our permalink setting is for name of post.

@Yozora Can you check the links again and let me know how it went?
Looks like they both work fine now. :smile:
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