How do you prevent spam with MyBB?


New member
I have setup a MyBB instillation on one of my web servers and am currently running into issues with spam. I am looking for any and all ways to optimize mybb to prevent (spambots?) from registering on my forum and posting stupid posts about medical prescription services. I see that Gigalicous has some very good spam prevention techniques in place and am wondering if any staff members have any suggestions. Even a point in the right direction to recommended plugins or settings for mybb would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!


Staff member
Un4saken is the expert here DX, but right off the bat I'd say disabling links for at least the first post, of new members, but preferably the first 10 if you're really worried about spam.

This is in addition to using the security system that comes loaded with the Forum Admin..

You may already know of this resource but I find a really great Website to check through. It has loads of tips on how to deal with spammers and spam:

There are also good reports about Akismet, which is a free service that checks through spam. Both for WordPress blogs and discussion forums.


New member
Thank you for that information Genesis! I actually haven't heard of but it is a resource I will definitely be looking into. As for the Akismet, it is something I have just started to learn about now that I am using Wordpress and did notice that there is an option for it in the mybb admin section. Thank you again and I hope to hear a response from Un4saken as well!


New member
I know my post is not related to the thread but I heard that the more spam on your forum can level up your Alexa ranks ,its that true?
Anyway, when I was using Mybb, I got a lot of spams too. I try to make an alternate question on sign up page where user must fill the answer on the box. And, it helped me a lot.