How easy is it switch from Windows to Mac


New member
I've been using Windows for a really long time and I'm also comfortable with Linux. Is it easy to start using Mac?
Can anyone give some pointers or heads up?


Staff member
I haven't moved to Mac myself but there is a genuine learning curve involved with changing. It would be a good idea if you did a basic training course first so you can get a starting feel for it. Once you're in however it should be a much better experience than Windows.

I've got a number of friends who are comfortable in both Windows and Mac. They use Windows at work, and have a Mac laptop, ipad and iphone.

Google youtube and I'm almost certain you'll get an intro course there for Mac.


Staff member
If you know linux, you will easily move to Mac.

I can use Windows, Linux and Mac. Those are very easy, with Mac is just thing to get a long with command line like with Linux thats all you need.

Plus you need to plugin normal pc mouse to your mac, those magic ones are crap.


New member
GigaGreg said:
If you know linux, you will easily move to Mac.

I can use Windows, Linux and Mac. Those are very easy, with Mac is just thing to get a long with command line like with Linux thats all you need.

Plus you need to plugin normal pc mouse to your mac, those magic ones are crap.

Thank You for the suggestion.


I had a hard time when I started to use Macs (mostly frustration when I would try to customize something and found out that they took away that ability a few versions ago, or never had it in the firstUS place, and also with how simplified the settings for everything were) , and still can't say I find them intuitive, but if you know Linux it might be easier because I hear you can do a lot of customizing through the command line.

Some other people I know really like Macs and find them easy to use though, so your experience may vary.


New member
If you want Switch 'Appearance' of windows to Mac OS,
Use Skin Packs! (Maybe, you should need patch your Windows First :D)


New member
The shift to Apple may take some time. It depends on how hardcore a Windows user you are. The shortcuts etc are a bit different than Windows. The CTRL replaced by "Command" and sometimes "Option". Once you get the hang of it though. U'll soon realise that Apple is pretty good (too).

My (not so tech savvy :p ) dad made the change sometime ago. Took about a week or two, but he's even better than me at it rn.


New member
It took me less than a day to make the full transition. Really, it's simply a matter of sitting down and reading and memorizing the shortcuts -- this can be done in less than an hour. However, this isn't a fair comparison because I had a lot of exposure to Linux prior to that. I think it took me less than a week to learn most of the important commands and learn how to write Bash scripts in Linux, so I'd say we can "pretend" that the transition from Windows to OS X took me a week (based upon the time it took to transition from Windows to Linux).


New member
When I started using MAC I took some time because of the shortcuts, they are very different from windows, but nothing that I did not solve looking for in google, but I still get confused a little sometimes, because I use the 2 systems


New member
In my case, based on what little experience I have with Mac(cause Parellels), the UI itself isn't much trouble(can be mastered within a few hours max). It's mainly getting the keyboard shortcuts to muscle memory that's the time waster.


New member
Its far simpler to use a mac and very easy to learn...

When you get your new machine, go to your local apple store and they can teach you the basics of using a mac.

Once you change, you wouldn't want to go back.


New member
For me the most complicated was changing my mind using keyboard shorcuts, you know, Windows= Alt+Tab, Alt+F4 ...
Now of course I'm used to, but when I need to use a PC, just again changing my mind ... what a mess!!


New member
I had to learn to move inside OSx because of a job I had at a local recording studio. The first impact can be traumatizing, but to be honest, while the desktop environment of OSxs is very user friendly (this is kind of the whole main business rule of Apple products), it IS tricky to do advanced stuff like you're used to do on Windows. Customization in OSx is almost impossible compared to Windows OSs, or at least takes a lot of wear and tear through the shell. Being able to use Linux is a great plus if you're switching to Mac. If you are going to use the desktop environment as your main occupation you will be good to go in a week or two.


New member
the function keys are a lot different compared to a windows operating system but you should easily be able to change it in the settings which i have done so i was also a windows user but feel Mac OS is slightly more easier to use overtime once you learn how to use it and get used to it in the future of staying with that same operating system you are willing to change to


New member
It should not be a big deal to swich from Windows to OSX. You gonna get quickly used of it and find that things are much more easy to handle...


New member
Hey, wait a minute...

Is it even legal to install Mac OS on a non-Mac device? Or does the OP means about the differences about both operating systems and if he will be able to use Mac easily?


Staff member
mariolatif741 said:
Hey, wait a minute...

Is it even legal to install Mac OS on a non-Mac device? Or does the OP means about the differences about both operating systems and if he will be able to use Mac easily?
You're right. It's illegal, and probably therefore a nice challenge for those who want to challenge themselves. :p


New member
In my experience, I do not understand why someone would want to use a Mac. I have heard they are good for editing videos, and I'm guessing graphic design along with that, but otherwise, I do not see why someone would want a Mac. There are several reasons behind this. I have played with my dad's Mac for many hours, and I did not enjoy my time doing so. Those reasons are as follows.
A: Many programs are made only for Windows. In fact, you can get a program for Linux called wine that will allow you to run windows programs there, but to do it on Mac you need to install Windows.
B: Mac is not as user friendly as Windows, and has less customization options. When I was younger, I spent half an hour trying to figure out how to create a zip file on my friend's Mac and finally resorted to just creating the zip file on my Windows computer and transferring it over to his computer. This experience REALLY soured me on Mac.
C: Windows gets problems/viruses. But you can fix them. Mac doesn't get problems. Usually. "MacOS.dmg has stopped working. We will not give you a troubleshoot button, as we would rather you come to Apple and buy a new one. And when you try to fix the problem, you find out either A: you can't, or B: it is very very hard."
D: With windows you have access to do as you please on the computer. On Mac, you don't have as much permission to do so, or if you do with root, it is much harder to do what you wish to perform. I understand this is for security, however you can just use Windows and get some antivirus to protect you (even for free, Avast is good)
There are more issues I am sure, however this is the list I have compiled. Feel free to add onto it or correct it.