How happy are you with your Internet speed, service and price?


New member
Not too happy about it, but can't do much about it.

I do have 2 different ISP's so if one goes down, I'm likely still online.

But they both increase the price every year so it's eh.


New member

Only 6000 mbit? :) poor you!

Anyway, my house has fiber 100/100mbit for 25 euro's per month, but this should somehow include television but I can't get that to work...

I'm happy about the speed as long as you use cables, WiFi is totally over crowded. The bad thing is that they don't allow portforwarding, that's partially why I'm here, for the vps.

I'm lucky to have fiber though, most of the countryside is still stuck with adsl, barely hitting 10mbit...


Staff member
peanutbutter said:
I'm lucky to have fiber though, most of the countryside is still stuck with adsl, barely hitting 10mbit...
That's amazing in the Netherlands. Great speed you have though. :good:


Staff member
peanutbutter said:
So what they do here is, send a message to a whole town: If 50% of the whole town signs up for fiber for 2 years, we'll connect the entire town!
That IS interesting! Wonder how they arrived at that statistic. At least shows a country that is budget conscious and fair in how it is being distributed, instead of charging through the roof such as where I live, regardless of what the effect is.


New member
I got optimum online, its ok 50MB per second download 15MB upload. I dont like that its not balance both ways cause to upload stuff it takes longer, it should be balanced. Their router gui is very limited, but you don't have to use their router. Google fiber is the fastest internet ever, but you can only get it in some areas if your lucky.


New member
Genesis said:
peanutbutter said:
So what they do here is, send a message to a whole town: If 50% of the whole town signs up for fiber for 2 years, we'll connect the entire town!
That IS interesting! Wonder how they arrived at that statistic. At least shows a country that is budget conscious and fair in how it is being distributed, instead of charging through the roof such as where I live, regardless of what the effect is.


New member
Internet is more reliable than electricity in Romania. Go figure.
In the UK, ISP costs still aren't cheap relatively speaking considering how essential access to the Internet has now become. Once the telecomms companies recoup their costs the service becomes almost next to nothing to run.


My computer is opening internet pages extremely slow lately and I'm at a loss as to what to do about it. I have a Dell Dimension Pentium 4 with 2.80 GHZ and 512 MB Ram. I have Windows SP home edition version 5.1 and a physical memory available of 522,224 KB. My Internet Explorer version is 7.0.5730.11.
I even d/l and tried Firefox cuz I heard that was faster but that did not make a difference. I've already tried deleting temporary internet files and the cache but nothing seems to make a difference. I did notice that pages that have photos on the page seem to take forever to load. I timed it yesterday at 30 seconds for the intial page to load and another 15 or 20 seconds when I click on another page to open. Any thoughts?


New member
I live in Serbia, I belive this is most expencive country for internet with worst upload. I pay 20 euros for 10Mbs of download and 0.5Mbs upload.


New member
ISPs are a rip off. The cost of the service to access the Internet is nowhere near what ISP charging. Having recovered their infrastructure outlay the ISPs have kept the charges and continue to increase them without any reason. Scam the customer.


Staff member
v.p.s said:
ISPs are a rip off. The cost of the service to access the Internet is nowhere near what ISP charging. Having recovered their infrastructure outlay the ISPs have kept the charges and continue to increase them without any reason. Scam the customer.
Worst part for me is when the ISP on top of everything else keeps spamming my service with advertising. I've spent hours trying to get rid of them, may succeed for a day or two, and then they're back with a different IP. The day I don't need an ISP any longer will be a happy day for me.