How to set up Wordtwit 3.0


New member
WordTwit keeps track of when you publish new posts, and automatically informs your followers by pushing out a tweet to twitter in the format you specify. All links are automatically converted to tiny URLs to save space. Most users see a substantial increase in blog traffic after tweeting their posts on a frequent basis using WordTwit!​

Download -> HERE

Wordtwit recently came with a new update and with that update comes a new way to get it to work. I might be able to help you step by step to get the plugin to work again.

> Update your Wordtwit plugin
> When you've updated your plugin, go to your Wordpress admin-panel and click on "Wordtwit"
> At the top of that page there will be something in a blue box, telling you that you need to configure your settings before Wordtwit actually works
> It will lead you to a page similar like this:

> When you scroll down, you will need to fill in some information. Make sure you set the acces to Read & Write and make sure that your site's URL is filled in at the Callback URL
> Then, scroll back up and click on the next navigation-link "OAth tool"
> There you will find several keys: Consumer key, Consumer secret and two other things. Be sure that you copy+paste your comsumer key and consumer secret somewhere safe, you'll need it to activate Wordtwit.
> When you've done that, go back to your Wordpress admin-panel and go to your Wordtwit settings "Options". You will be asked to fill in your OAth stuff, that you've pasted somewhere safe.
> Then you're actually finished. You can fine-tune your twitter settings to make it look nicer when there's a posted tweeted.
> When you've saved those settings, go to your accounts settings under the Wordtwit part. Add your twitter account by login in with your twitter username and password.

Just done :) :good:

Moderator note: Copy paste is against general forum rules. If you take text from another article on the Web, you have to use the quotation tool as well as provide the source url of the article where you quoted it from. As per the example above.


Staff member
Interesting concept Cherry, although I'm dead certain Google will catch up pretty quickly with this kind of "viral linking" of posts. For me the technical part of it is interesting, but not sure that I would want to use it myself.