I need to make 10 posts so I'm guessing, I post something here... I need to have 100 characters? I going to be here for a long time... I can't be bothered... I might just make a story while I'm at it
... Or maybe a common sense question... "You are in a room all alone, empty handed and there are only 3 doors that you have to choose, 1 is full of evil blood-cutting ninjas, 1 is full of angry, hungry unfriendly lions who haven't eaten for 2 years, 1 is full of toxic poisonous, flaming fire. You have to choose on of the 3 doors without being damaged, and/or killed. You have to feel not threatened."
Answer: 2nd door - lions would be dead because they haven't eaten for 2 years, you would walk in there with lions on the floor dead...
Answer: 2nd door - lions would be dead because they haven't eaten for 2 years, you would walk in there with lions on the floor dead...