Is it best to leave a PC ON or OFF when not in use?


New member
Is it best to leave a PC ON or OFF when not in use?

I have heard arguments for both ways. Some say that leaving the PC on is better for the hard drive, and some argue that leaving the PC on all the time is a fire hazard. I agree with both sides, but I tend to lean towards leaving the PC on all of the time.

When I leave my PC on all the time, it is ready to go when I need it. I use it throughout the day, and sometimes I wake up at night with an idea and begin researching immediately. I do not like to wait for the PC to boot up when I get the urge to research. Also, I feel that it is better for the hard drive if the PC is left on. That way the hard drive is not subjected to drastic temperature changes.


Good question!
Hmm, I leave it off unless I'm taking a short break. Leaving it on seems like it would wear out the hardware faster, and I tend to keep computers for a long time, since buying ones which work well with Photoshop can be kind of pricey.
There are benefits to both though, and articles examining them.


Staff member
I leave my computer on most of the time depending on how active I've been on my computer. My concern is mainly performance of my computer, i.e. refreshing RAM by clearing the memory of the computer for optimal performance. Also getting rid of cookies in the browsers I use and flushing the DNS. From a security point of view I'm also worried about people getting into my computer if I keep the broadband running all of the time, so try to at least disconnect the internet during the day when I'm at work and when I do it sometimes feels right that I should turn off the computer as well. Depending on how much work I do, I may turn off the computer every three days, maybe more, maybe less. It it has been a really intense project, with plenty of memory used, or I want to make sure I get rid of cookies in the browser and flush the dns thoroughly, I'll log out and turn the computer off immediately after the project has been completed.

I don't think the frequency of turning the computer off is a problem, but maybe how one logs out. Better to log out with Windows using the shut down tools that are provided than just turn off the switch for example. Sounds ridiculous, but some people do that. Or they get impatient when the log out process gets too long. Some people treat their computer like a toaster, whereas one probably needs to treat it carefully, i.e. follow the computer's rhythm, channel into the slower, when it is slower, and wait for processes to be completed, rather than trying to hurry things up and crashing the hard disk repeatedly.
I have seen this discussion before. I believe the best policy is to turn it off. The reason is, everything is a lifespan. Yes, turning it on and off shortens the life on some parts. But, think of the heat factor of the CPU. Heat degrades chips. So does the spike from the power supply when you turn it on. Now I don't think anyone has done a test with 2 computer to see what one is better or which one dies first.

If you look at it from a power consumption point and you are paying a hydro bill, I would shut it off when not in use. Another reason to shut if off. If you leave it on and you are connected to the net, you are open for attacks or someone can hack into your computer.


New member
leaving my desktop pc's on prolongs the life of the machine I only shut down if I'm away for longer than a week or if I'm moving it to hoover it out haha


Staff member
I turn mine off after usage, not really concerned about lifespan, more really about wasting electricity.

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I have been thinking about this too. I'm not at all sure but I think leaving it on will wear out the fans and other parts unnecessarily. I have also heard it's not good to turn it on and off too often, and I can believe there is some truth to it. You can actually hear some mechanical noise when the hard drive boots up.

I usually leave my computer on throughout the day because I use it regularly from time to time. I sometimes turn it off when I know I'm going to be away more than an hour but it depends on the state of the programs I have opened. If I'm working on something and I have a lot of websites and programs opened the way I want them I usually leave it on.

I always turn it off at night because I sleep in the same room. The fan noise and the heat that it generates makes it harder to sleep.


I am always leaving it off...but on the other hand, it is on almost all day only concern is to plug it out when it's storm and thunders.


i always switch off my pc when not in use except if i need to sync large files to my cloud, just set for monitor off only... when i was doing final year in uni, i always keep it on because im doing design which involved many components for assembly drawing....and i can continue my work anytime faster rather than reloading all of them. the end, my graphic card dead!.....


New member
I think it's best to leave the pc off.Because this way pc component get cools.if you use your computer at maximum speed don't let it get virussed.


New member
i keep my pc on about 18 hours of the day, i think you aught to shut it down to clear up some space at some point during the day however mine works great still after 5 years.


New member
If you leave the PC on while not in use a good idea is to close the browsers. otherwise, while I am no technical expert my personal impression is computer feels refreshed if it is switched off periodicaly. Of course there are other components in play such as what programs are you using, what sites are you visiting, are you exposing PC to potential malware ect. Leaving the PC on and not maintaining the hygiene by running the antivirus and so might easily slow down your computer. And always clean the cookies regularly. Deleting temporary internet files is also a good thing to do. Then you might leave the PC on if you wish.


It's a good question, but I think that the best answer is: whenever you're not using an appliance such as e.g. TV, Radio, PC etc, is better to always turn them off since part consume power without reason, because you never know when there may be a short circuit or problem with this device, but if it is not too long or you are downloading a program game etc on your pc that is another question.


New member
Shutting a PC down at then back on when you need it is very hard on any harddrive. The components truly do not get that hot even when is use as they have heatsinks and cooling fans. The PC that I have I leave on all the time. I put a device on it to calculate the amount of power it takes to run and I only spend about $7 USD a month to keep my PC on.

Some machines have really seemed like they enjoyed a nice restart late in the afternoon after working all day.

I've also been amazed at how much can be typed and clicked by a cat walking across a keyboard in the middle of the night!


Staff member
I've just had a bad experience with my ISP causing me to not log out if I can help it, and when I do, holding my breath. About two months ago after I turned off the computer and logged back in, when I got my browser up there was a message from my ISP that my account payment wasn't up to date. It then wouldn't allow me to use the Internet after that. I'm usually good with paying accounts, but checked, and then found my account was up to date. It was a hickup in the ISP system. The person on the phone (difficult to get hold of them as they have the ring a ring a rosies system where one has to wait a long while) then has to reset the account. I have to log out completely, turn off the system at my mains (I have a dedicated line and not WiFi), then wait for at least 20 minutes, turn the main system on, then my computer, and then it should work. After the first time I thought I was OK, but a few days after when I turned off the computer again, the exact experience was repeated. So I was very careful not to log out or turn the computer off for at least three weeks.

Anyway, long story short, I learned that I don't really have to log out until there is a real need for it, like if some of the software has changed and requires a reboot. I thought if I used the browser a lot that logging out with clean up everything, but all one has to do is log out of the browser completely and then get back in the browser. Computers are wired to stay open for long as one wants them to. Only thing one should really try and save is the Monitor. Like make sure there is a screensaver so the monitor powers down when it isn't being used.