Is like us or tweet to download ...FREE?!


I am thinking to include "tweet to download" script on my website for some of my products that I offered so far for Free (to be downloaded).

Now there is a few questions that I would like you to comment about it:

1. Is it still Free if I ask visitors to Tweet about my product, so they could download it?
This question is related to the situation where I would still advertise it as a Free product. But once a visitor come to download page ...he face the situation where he or she must do some extra action in order to have it.
Would you feel tricked or deceived, because even if I don't ask money in return ...I still ask for something?!

2. Is it really free if you are asked to like a Facebook page or tweet about it ...because such scripts are asking you to approve access to some of your Profile's data?!

OR ... it is not free only if you are asked to pay for it (with money)?!


GigaGreg said:
Here is your answer:

It is paid if you don't want have to have ads. Just search up buddy, I thought about it ages ago for stuff for myself.

OK...thanks for your reply, but I think you didn't understand my point and I suppose I wasn't clear enough.

I didn't mean is such script or service (tweet to download) is free. What I meant is:
Is my Offer to download something, but first you have to tweet about it on your Twitter profile, still can be advised as Free offer. Would you feel that you are paying, somehow, for it ....


Staff member
Yeah sorry, I posted that in the morning when I was still asleep.

1. Is it still Free if I ask visitors to Tweet about my product, so they could download it?
This question is related to the situation where I would still advertise it as a Free product. But once a visitor come to download page ...he face the situation where he or she must do some extra action in order to have it.
Would you feel tricked or deceived, because even if I don't ask money in return ...I still ask for something?!

No, I wouldn't feel tricked, I would be able to download freely anything from your website once I tweeted about it or facebooked. It would help you to promote your product. However I could tweet/facebook etc or If I would feel generous, then I could donate a small amount of money to you so I show support. I would feel even generous to tweet about your hard work and I could show support that you need for motivation to do even more.

2. Is it really free if you are asked to like a Facebook page or tweet about it ...because such scripts are asking you to approve access to some of your Profile's data?!

It looks like its free, because people don't have to pay anything for downloading, however it needs to connect to profile for "Payment" purposes as it would be information for seller who is "buying products".


Well ...thanks so much for your response ...I must admit I need a little encouragement to take this step ...
Maybe I'm overreacting, but now when my site has decent number of visits and downloads ...I thought I could gain more out of it, by ask People to tweet about my products ...not all products, these are gonna be new improved products ...


I would still think of it as free, but I tend to find those things a little annoying. I have an extra Twitter account I use just for logging into sites I don't want to make an account for, and completing those "pay with a tweet" things. Maybe I'm the only one... I know that it could help your site though, so just be aware that some of the people tweeting might not be sharing it with their friends.


Yozora said:
I would still think of it as free, but I tend to find those things a little annoying. I have an extra Twitter account I use just for logging into sites I don't want to make an account for, and completing those "pay with a tweet" things. Maybe I'm the only one... I know that it could help your site though, so just be aware that some of the people tweeting might not be sharing it with their friends.

Thanks a lot @Yozora, ... see created another Twitter account just for these kind of stuffs?!
Some People eventually mind to do some extra actions, just to get something ...
But I think it is still less "painful" to People then asking them to register, just to get something ...


New member
I'd think it as free, but sometimes I really don't feel up to complete stuff like this
But it's a good thing you doing this, as you are promoting your free product
At least it is better than registering!


misharnet said:
Yozora said:
I would still think of it as free, but I tend to find those things a little annoying. I have an extra Twitter account I use just for logging into sites I don't want to make an account for, and completing those "pay with a tweet" things. Maybe I'm the only one... I know that it could help your site though, so just be aware that some of the people tweeting might not be sharing it with their friends.

Thanks a lot @Yozora, ... see created another Twitter account just for these kind of stuffs?!
Some People eventually mind to do some extra actions, just to get something ...
But I think it is still less "painful" to People then asking them to register, just to get something ...

Well, first it was to sign up for new sites without having to make an account, but then a bunch of sites where I get fonts & Photoshop actions seemed to all start using "pay with a tweet" downloads...
I don't use Twitter a whole lot, but I'd still rather not have to tweet every time I download design resources. Social media is pretty much the new email, in terms of how many sites expect you to share it freely, so since I have a few "spam email addresses" which I use to sign up for things that I don't want to use my regular email address for, an extra Twitter account was pretty much the next logical step. :p
You're right though about how "pay with a tweet" downloads are better than registering another account though, and if it will get your site some more publicity, then it's probably worth doing.