I think the way to learn is very easy, you can first watch videos on the internet if you are very visual, then you need to see what the experts do and copy them, but experts do not make videos on youtube, you have to see and copy their code that They do. The code form experts are in the repositories. Like github.iRoastinq said:Maybe for some people but I am not one of those people. I am a visual learner so I have to look at how its done not the other way around matebrakdag said:If you already know programming in another object oriented language will be easy, java is very easy.
brakdag said:I think the way to learn is very easy, you can first watch videos on the internet if you are very visual, then you need to see what the experts do and copy them, but experts do not make videos on youtube, you have to see and copy their code that The generate are in the repositories. Like github.iRoastinq said:Maybe for some people but I am not one of those people. I am a visual learner so I have to look at how its done not the other way around matebrakdag said:If you already know programming in another object oriented language will be easy, java is very easy.
iRoastinq said:Ok. I will do that. I used https://www.codecademy.com/
GigaGreg said:So, you are talking about Java Script, which is indeed used for web development, not Java. In this case, Code Academy, Khan Academy and W3 Schools and other tutorials are good for learning.
ecow said:The language doesn't matter so much as the concepts. OOP, which is what Java is, is what I think you should look at first, although Java is making steps toward functional programming nowadays :clapping: