Kayne West Rapper to launch a Cryptocurrency


Staff member
I`ve just read this about Kayne West (the rapper) who is planning to launch his own Cryptocurrency called Coinye West . This is absurd, even the BBC has picked up on the story.


A new Bitcoin-like virtual currency inspired by rapper Kanye West is set to be launched, and has been dubbed "Coinye West".

More on this story can be found: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25588883

DROPPING JANUARY 11, 2014. 11 PM EST. No screwed up fake "fair" launches, shyster devs, muted channels, and f**ked up wallets. We will be releasing password protected, encrypted archives containing the binaries and source for the wallet and daemon BEFORE LAUNCH, with the passwords to be released at the specified time. We will work with multiple pools to orchestrate a PROPER and FAIR release.

Internet Relay chat is in irc.freenode.net #coinyewest

Technical Details:

Algorithm: Scrypt
Max Coins: 133,333,333,333
Block time: 90 Seconds
Difficulty Re-Target Time: 12 hours
Block Rewards: 666,666 COYE

Here is the official url: http://coinyewest.com/

Maybe we should launch our own Cryptocurrency called GigaCoin !


New member
1.2.3 lawsuit from Kanye!

I love the rise of all these new currencies like bitcoin and dogedollars. I think only bitcoin will survive.


New member
Hopefully he'd understand that this is not a game for non-professional people. You need to be a genius to make such system work, otherwise, your system will be just lost.

All it requires is a skilled hacker and your money is gone like, without a single trace.