
New member
I see alot awesome project on there. But who are the buyer for all of it? It must big company if their project can be trusted.


Staff member
Not sure who it is. But if I were I had a creative project I'd try them out for size.


Yeah, Kickstarter's pretty neat! I haven't found something I like enough to donate to yet, but it's a neat idea.

@"jaran" There have been a few scams there, if I remember correctly, where the person promised something great & just took all the money, and shut down their Kickstarter project page. I guess you can never be too careful when researching about Kickstarter projects before donating.


New member
Kickstarter is really good to fund projects. Some major movie directors are using this platform to ask fans to help them fund their movies, or music projects, etc. One that comes to mind was Rob Thomas with the Veronica Mars movie. It was a tv show, and it got cancelled some years ago. Fans wanted to see it having an ending, plus the main characters were all on board to make this happen. They then started a kickstarter campaign with rewards - like signed shirts, digital copies of the film when it came out, etc... and, actually, kickstarter got lots of promotion at the time. It's a good website to help fund all kinds of projects. Thankful all the projects I've funded, I never had problems with.

Another similar website to this one is and I also know of - which is more related to music. I've helped fund an album for this singer I like on this website.


New member
Yozora said:
Yeah, Kickstarter's pretty neat! I haven't found something I like enough to donate to yet, but it's a neat idea.

@"jaran" There have been a few scams there, if I remember correctly, where the person promised something great & just took all the money, and shut down their Kickstarter project page. I guess you can never be too careful when researching about Kickstarter projects before donating.

Thank @"Yozora" for the notice. Im just curious why they do not offer it to the company and however publishing their projects on the website. They seem not afraid if the project will be imitated by someone.


@"jaran" Yeah, I'm guessing the projects people use it for are mostly things they've already tried to get funding for through more usual methods. Maybe they figure they have nothing to lose?

@"tangledmemories" Woah, that's pretty neat that you helped fund an album!


New member
Kick Starter have put into alot of indie Games companies. Its good to see small companies/projects getting the backing they need without taking out loans and what not. Its also great for people to turn there dreams into reality, great idea.


New member
This is really good for startup projects - there is always a chance that you may not get the funding - but you will get valuable feedback.


New member
I agree with binil, the feedback alone could inspire one to redesign their project and make it better - always room for improvement no matter how good something is.


New member
I think Kickstarter is a great website for many creative creators. I helped someone to launch his game and I don't regret it.


New member
Hi Guys,
Are your really? How come you have not hear about Kickstarter. It's great thing. I know few projects that got success there. However there are some rules that should be followed. Actually I don't know if you have access. But I recommend to watch South Park 1801. It's about Kickstarter


New member
This is really good for startup projects - there is always a chance that you may not get the funding - but you will get valuable feedback.

Doesn't everyone have an opinion on the internet? HAHAHA
most of them can stick a fork in their ass... damn trolls!

But yes... Kickstarter is a great tool to raise funds. I have seen many of them come out ... raising money for cancer patients, Kid support.. etc

But the best one I saw I bought into ( Still waiting on it to arrive.. around October)
A computer the size of a credit card that hooks into your TV... total cost? $9.00 USD... I mean... even if it is crap... It only cost me

I paid for the upgrade for it as well... total cost 19.00... The upgrade was a touch screen to opporate it from your pocket!
This is the link to it:

They raised over 2 MILLION USD!!!!!


Staff member
Tony1Faze said:
They raised over 2 MILLION USD!!!!!
If anything else it's just shown the rest of the industry there's a demand for this. Great marketing survey. :p


New member
Sounds great! People can work together to be creative. Here's a quote that I like from the rules page:

"Projects must be honest and clearly presented."

I like that they foresaw issues possibly arising doing projects that have people collaborating.