We have launched a knowledge base area, it will feature the most common questions we are regularly asked pertaining to our services and website.
It`s looking a little bare at the moment but it will fill up over time. Should you have any suggestions for articles to be included in the knowledgebase then feel free to post them here.
Here`s the knowldegebase URL: http://www.client.gigalicous.com/knowledgebase.php how can reach the knowledge base at any time by the drop down menu on the support section in the main navigation bar.
It`s looking a little bare at the moment but it will fill up over time. Should you have any suggestions for articles to be included in the knowledgebase then feel free to post them here.
Here`s the knowldegebase URL: http://www.client.gigalicous.com/knowledgebase.php how can reach the knowledge base at any time by the drop down menu on the support section in the main navigation bar.