League of Legends


New member
Is anybody else addicted to League of Legends?

I've been playing since beta and have been fixated with the game throughout all its changes. The thing I like most about it is the teamwork and communication required to win games. It gives you a since of accomplishment after a victory or a need to improve after a loss. It also has the has the highest number of any game....ever. So if you haven't given it a shot, I'd say download it and try! So many people can't be wrong about the quality and fun factor of a game.

My summoner name is DixieNormus on the North American server. Feel free to add me and I can help you get into the game.


I've played with LeBlanc for a week (on the bottom line) and had really had fun. I will start to play again in a month when my summer holiday is ended.


New member
Im addicted to League. I main Jungle, but I can go all roles. My main junglers are Elise, Nocturne, and Vi. My summoner name is Tolkin! I also stream sometimes when I play league.


New member
I can't say I'm addicted but I do play once a day to get my day of the win or hang out with some friends in it^^ But I find League to be a game that you can play for a bit and then you can put it down after a while


Staff member
LoL is so addictive. I am playing since the season 3 in this game and I am loving it, I hit level 30 on couple of the accounts. Currently still playing on the EU West and NE servers.


New member
if you are looking for a good support you can find me in you'r server, my nick is shendlaw as the forum one


Ive played League of legends with @"GigaGreg" and @"Tytoowns". Its a lot of fun but GigaGreg is always telling us "why don't you have items" if one of us is getting destroyed by the team, or he will say "ULT ULT ULT" telling us to use our ultimate. He talks to us like we are noobs.


New member
I love league of legend it kills the boredom when we do not have anything to do in the office, specially when the boss is not in the office.


New member
League of Legends one best free games i have ever played and yes people might say Dota 2 Better but at end day both games at heart are the same


New member
I've started playing it recently with my friends and i'm really enjoying it. One thing i've noticed is that with more knowledge about the game and the mechanics, the more of a upper hand you get against the other team.


muse said:
League of Legend mechanic is better than dota2

Why do you think the mechanic is better? I have not played Dota 2 before but I play quite a bit of League and I like the way it plays and looks compared to Dota.


New member
I do not like anything that game, it's just a waste of internet, consume too many graphics and a lot of bandwidth, leaves slow wifi is horrible, the worst form of waste the internet and its speed and the worst way to consume the maximum computer resources. I do not like in any sense. :diablo: :mega_shock:


New member
Guys. why NA people so like League of Legends, i dont understand. As for me, better to play dota 2, the game is really addivtive. And Dota has some events for players, LoL doesn't. Play DotA boys, cause in LoL you can play only with a meta, you cant go 3 lane with 2 sups without forest, for example. Its unfair. i know that some players were banned for this.