let we now start with my site


hi people!:friends:

i have been playting with my site. and came to a conlusion that it needs some viewers that would like to rate and whats to be need to finetuned.

the site is:

please rate and say me whats need to be better:

use this to achieve the rating so i can easily start fixing:
main rating [1-10]:
what can better:

thank you:good:


Staff member
First suggestion is that you try and improve the English of the Website. Good suggestion would be to use a spellchecker. Most browsers have one. If you see red curly lines that is usually a good indication you need to correct something. An alternative suggestion is to get a friend who is good in English to help you.

Better yet, why not have the Forum in your own language Dutch? Or is there a reason for preferring English?

For the rest everything works very well technically. Design looks good and Website loads fast.


Genesis said:
First suggestion is that you try and improve the English of the Website. Good suggestion would be to use a spellchecker. Most browsers have one. If you see red curly lines that is usually a good indication you need to correct something. An alternative suggestion is to get a friend who is good in English to help you.

Better yet, why not have the Forum in your own language Dutch? Or is there a reason for preferring English?

For the rest everything works very well technically. Design looks good and Website loads fast.

thank you for the response i will get the grammar fixed asap.


New member
Yes i agree with Genisis, you should improve the english of the website. But other than that it looks pretty neat:clapping:. Fast responce time and no errors:drinks: :) BTW i am from NL(Dutchie):good:


Harwinder said:
Yes i agree with Genisis, you should improve the english of the website. But other than that it looks pretty neat:clapping:. Fast responce time and no errors:drinks: :) BTW i am from NL(Dutchie):good:

thanks yea i know im using grammar from tools where i build my site because im to tired at that moment.
i will get it fixed asap ofcourse!.


Staff member
It is not all about grammar, because this is very easy to fix.
There are some other critical and crucial errors that needs to be fixed.

Do you want a critical and honest opinion? Where I honestly say what's wrong or good? If yes, then ok.

It is pulled down, there is a white stripe at the top of page which doesn't look good at all.
Logos in projects are very pixelated and does not look good when the window is resized.

Your navbar is broken, there is no hover or any animation to make the navbar live. It look static like on a design in photoshop or gimp.
The font color is also bad, because the header image colour is wrong which blends the navbar font into image.
The logo hover colour doesn't look good, it has too much contrast, it hurts eyes.

In mobile view there is no hamburger icon for responsive menu? Check out the screenshot

The image you have used is resized and you can see a lot of pixels which are not needed. To get royalty free images and stock photo or other free assets for your website use allthefreestock.com.


New member

There are the obvious things like using "where" for "we are", thought I seen a "there" for "their", stuff like that.

Try "up more" instead of "less down". Less down is a double negative. Try to improve capitalization (1st letter of each sentence)

Are "Our goal", "chill with us", and up arrow supposed to be links?

(I feel like I am teaching again at a Community College :smile:)

It took me some poking around to figure out what sednetwork is about, senility must be setting in. Let the viewer know immediately what you are about.

Keep at it, you are off to a good start.


New member
All in all I was going to say basically what GigaGreg was going to say. Try learning and getting familiar with CSS, it'll be your best friend when it comes to style, and design. Try getting more color into the site, make it vibrant, more inviting.

When it comes to the navbar animations, Greg was talking about, a:link and a:hover styles is what you want to play with. This where you want to start learning about CSS, link styling.

Other then the general styling and design, it works good, does the job, good start!


New member
It looks good and i also agree with @"GigaGreg" but i think there should be some more content as well. currently your learn more button does not work. maybe have that take you to a "About us" section where the user can find out about sednetwork and what you.

Also you Home, Fourm, Blog and contact all have different themes going. i think it would look much better if it was more consistant. try to pick a style and stick to it. :)


You could also check out other peoples portfolios and see how they look like and use there ideas to help develop a more appealling, accessible and functional website.

Awwwards is a fantastic website to look at amazing websites which have been nominated for different awards. There are all sorts of different types of websites on here like portfolios, jobs, shops and more.

But at the moment it is a good start and is way better than the first website that I created.


New member
perryoo11 said:
Thanks for the feedback but i have now a domain tld .com.
And going to change it again.

But i very apreciated it.

No problem :smile:

When you have made some changes I'm sure every one would be more than happy to give you some more feedback!