My First Video on Youtube


New member
Hi! First time I used a video editing software and created a video in my life. I've uploaded this video on Youtube. Watch this video and tell me that how's it?


New member
What software do you use to edit this video? But no offense, video looks mediocre. Give some biography about the singer maybe adding valuable information to make interest viewer. Good luck !


Staff member
Sound quality is good. Just wondering though. Are there copyright considerations here?


Staff member
Maybe, but as he clearly stated in brackets original song edit, so it shouldn't be a problem, also when he say in video description.
Video seems to be ok to me, but I thought that it will be more exciting and interesting than the song :dodgy: Although as the first video is very good.


Staff member
I also think it's a good video for a first one. Sound to me is most important and he got the quality of the sound right. Rest I'm sure he'll get better at. Well done!


New member
Thank to all of you for your views and reply. I'll keep it in my mind for my future videos. This sunday I'm going to upload a new video in my youtube channel. I'll try to make it more attractive.