Since you all have been so good and friendly to me ...I'd like to share with you the look of my new WP Theme
" NS General". It is still in working progress that's why I wouldn't post any download links. I'd like to hear some feedbacks and suggestions about it.
It is fully responsive. It has a several build in widgets and many options included in separate Option Panel, like choosing the primary and secondary color for whole website, slider on front page option, custom css, background, header image, footer credit text, three footer widget area, special sidebar area for page, single post, contact page ...Boxed and Wide layout option ...and more ...
Chek out demo:
NS General - Free WP Theme by NetScripter
" NS General". It is still in working progress that's why I wouldn't post any download links. I'd like to hear some feedbacks and suggestions about it.
It is fully responsive. It has a several build in widgets and many options included in separate Option Panel, like choosing the primary and secondary color for whole website, slider on front page option, custom css, background, header image, footer credit text, three footer widget area, special sidebar area for page, single post, contact page ...Boxed and Wide layout option ...and more ...
Chek out demo:
NS General - Free WP Theme by NetScripter
p.s. hope I'm not boring too much with my WP work