My website -


New member
I and my friend make indie games and translate subtitles to movies. We have created a website about these 'things'. You can check it on (of course the language is polish). Site is using reworked webspell engine. Enjoy!


Staff member
You should consider installing a translate plugin, otherwise seem to be fine, although there are some errors like missing letters etc, however the website look nice and neat.


Header graphic is AWESOME. Maim menu looks really good. Rest of the site looks like some forum script I suppose, so it is standard gamer/3D look. There is still a lot of space for Style improvement, such as adding some padding to side bar, it could be wider at least standard 980px . And of course it should be responsive. These are all suggestion about styling and it is only a matter of one man taste.
But generally it looks OK.
Wish you well with your website.


New member
Wow! Your words gave me a lot of satisfaction. I really appreciate that. Now I am wondering about future projects and I do not know what I should start. Could you help me? It's a topic for new thread, but I can ask here too. I and my friend want to earn, so we are loking for idea to reach it. Of course I mean something like browser game etc. I do not want to use gigarank's vps to this goal, so don't worry :)


I am not to experienced with games based sites, so I can not give you an advice about that. But I can say generally Persistence and Quality are the key words. Just don't give up ...anything that lasts on Internet long enough and has a certain level of quality, is going to make a success.
I hope I was helpful with my "wise" advices,ha!



New member
little advice: you could make your website responive using % at the right spots in css stylesheet or either try to create a phone version. :) it was pretty hard for me to watch the site


mwaui said:
little advice: you could make your website responive using % at the right spots in css stylesheet or either try to create a phone version. :) it was pretty hard for me to watch the site

i agree what you are saying. the site is the same difficult on my mobile. i hope that is my browser that im using.
i suggest to make the site responsive.