Hello Staff Support,
Today my site is up again after propagating with new DNS nameserver. Thank you for the best service to us. Just to the point, after we change to new DNS is automatically change IP Host too. Before, the old IP from your hosting has support IPV6. Then I check my domain today at http://ipv6-test.com/validate.php is look like doesnt support IPV6. I have video script but its only support with IPV6 to crawl all download links. Will you plan to change the current IP to support IPv6 like as before ?
Today my site is up again after propagating with new DNS nameserver. Thank you for the best service to us. Just to the point, after we change to new DNS is automatically change IP Host too. Before, the old IP from your hosting has support IPV6. Then I check my domain today at http://ipv6-test.com/validate.php is look like doesnt support IPV6. I have video script but its only support with IPV6 to crawl all download links. Will you plan to change the current IP to support IPv6 like as before ?