New WI-FI!!

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Yes, they are still activating windows 7 installs. Also, you should have no issue with wpa2-aes on Ubuntu. I have connected to a lot of those connections from Ubuntu. It could be your wifi adapter can't handle the encryption.


New member
I wouldn't know how to solve your problem, but I might have a temporary solution.

If you have an old android phone laying around, you could connect the phone to the WiFi and then connect it to the machine with a USB cable. Next up you enable USB tethering in the settings and then your machine should be connected to the Internet and the phone will stay charged.

I have no clue whether this trick would work as well with iPhones


New member
Thanks for the replies, I just decided to get an Android tablet to do most of my browsing and I'll use the laptop when I need to FTP. Typing takes a little getting used to though....


What version of Ubuntu are you using. Maybe it works better if you use the latest version, or do you think it's more a matter of configure it correctly?
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