Notepad++ Help with Big Data


Staff member
IP and a hostname to collect the data for. The IP has visited various URL's throughout the website over the last 8 months at random intervals. Straight away I can tell you no 2 lines of data will be the same. I have to take into account the times and dates which the IP visited will be unqiue in their own right.

So basically what im asking is; what is the quickest way to sort and collect the data I need using NotePad++

If you have ever trawled through server logs, then I think you may get the idea.


Staff member
Hmm, I don't think you can, however you might want to try to import that file into the MS Excel and sort out there and export to text file.


Staff member
@DJB For starters when I download any of the WHM unstructured logs I copy them from Notepad and paste them to a Word document. Word has a way of organizing the content in block format so it is easier to read and to take in. You can then fiddle with Word formatting tools to work with the data. You could also manipulate the data by changing the Word log into a table. Like line by line. Then use the search and find tool of Word to find IPs. You could color code some of the info so they match up at an eye's glance. Then once everything is color coded you could select the matching color table rows and organize them so they are together.

Not sure what is in the log, but Excel is also very intuitive these days. When I work with any of our host lists, I'm able to copy and paste the info into an Excel spreadsheet. All I need to do is tweak some of the columns, but for the better part it is effortless. Probably not applicable in this case though as the material has not been presented for sorting.


New member
If you don't want to use .doc files, you could always use .xls(x) or .csv files instead. As was mentioned, Excel is a really useful tool when sorting out data.


New member
I always myke my own Logfile Parsers.. I take a look on the logfile and find out my sperators. Then i read the file into my java applikation and transform it into a csv file.

If it helps, I could design you a java programm to parse your log file (only if it is line by line nearly the same).
If each line is unique it will be terrible to seperate the informations